
“Teaching Knowledge Test”经常缩写成TKT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Teaching Knowledge Test : 教学知识考试

Teaching Knowledge Test具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TKT
  2. 英语全称: Teaching Knowledge Test
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教学知识考试
  7. 中文拼音:jiào xué zhī shi kǎo shì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The dissemination of this program involves selection of test area, constitute of network, teaching knowledge, and test in the field.
  2. 开发与推广包括示范区的选择和建立、网络和多媒体体系的建设、人员培训以及田间试验等。
  3. In order to pursue the Education for all-around development and the test results, many of the language teaching classrooms are still in imparting academic knowledge, the content-based test.
  4. 为了追求教学质量和中考成绩,很多语文课堂仍以传授学科知识、中考内容为主。
  5. The study shows part scenes of teaching and learning, including new knowledge teaching, class discussion, test paper analysis, guidance and assistance after and before class, from preliminary experiment, during experiment and the latter experiment.
  6. 本文呈现了实验前期,实验中期和实验后期三个时期的部分教学场景,包括新课内容的讲授,课堂讨论的安排,试卷的评讲,课前课后的辅导等。
  7. Furthermore, the teaching methods vary according to the features of knowledge points and is adjusted according to the test results after the students have taken some test.
  8. 根据知识点的特点,采用不同的教学方法,对学生进行测试,并根据测试成绩对教学方法进行调整;
  9. Method : The teaching of moist burn medicine includes medical knowledge, diagnosis, medical skills, review course and assessment and test.
  10. 方法:适用于烧伤湿性医学的教学模式主要有知识传授课、诊断性补修课、技能训练课、综合复习课和评价测试课。


英文缩写词 TKT 的含义,不止“Teaching Knowledge Test”一个。




  1. Time Killing Technique 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:计时技术


  1. Tak, Thailand 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:泰国德克


  1. Tool KiT 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:工具箱


  1. Ticket 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:车票
  2. Threshold Knowledge Test 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:阈值知识测试
  3. Twisted Kaiju Theater 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:扭曲的开州剧院
  4. TechKnow Times 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:技术时代
  5. Teacher Knowledge Test 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:教师知识考试


  1. Theme Killing Trees 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:主题杀人树
  2. True Khmer Thugz 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:真正的高棉图格
  3. The Kiribati Tube 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:基里巴斯管


  1. Technology Knowledge and Trust 缩写成 “TKT”. 中文意思是:技术知识与信任

