
“Low Voltage Differential Signal”经常缩写成LVDS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Low Voltage Differential Signal : 低压差分信号

Low Voltage Differential Signal具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LVDS
  2. 英语全称: Low Voltage Differential Signal
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:低压差分信号
  7. 中文拼音:dī yā chā fēn xìn hào
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. This paper introduces a design of the high speed data transferring, recording and displaying system based on FPGA and USB. The transferring method of low voltage differential signal ( LVDS ), the FPGA func-tion module and the USB transferring module are presented.
  2. 提出了一种基于FPGA和USB的高速数据传输、记录及显示系统的设计方案,并对其中的低电压差分信号(LVDS)传输方式、FPGA功能模块以及USB传输模块等进行了介绍。
  3. Technologies such as embedded clock, point-to-point linkage, low voltage differential signal transmission and data encoding, enables gigabit serial bus get reliable high transfer rate at practical long distance, and become the next generation of interconnection interfaces.
  4. 而高速的串行接口则采用了嵌入式时钟、点对点连接、低压差分信号(LVDS)模式和数据编码等技术,可获得上千兆的传输频率和更远的传输距离。
  5. LVDS ( Low Voltage Differential Signal(LVDS) ) is an international common interface standard that is applied to high speed signal transmitter. It has the strong point in high speed, low noise, low waste and low cost.
  6. 低电压差分信号LVDS是一个用于高速信号传输的国际通用接口标准,具有高速度、低噪声、低功耗和低成本的突出优点。
  7. With the help of Low Voltage Differential Signal(LVDS)ing ( LVDS ), mix signal systems could be designed. High rate analog circuit was used to make Cu lead support thousands of megabit transmit rate.
  8. 为了满足数据传输的高速度,低功耗的要求,开发出来了利用低电压差分信号传输技术(简称LVDS)设计混合信号系统,可以确保铜导线能够满足高速数据传输。


英文缩写词 LVDS 的含义,不止“Low Voltage Differential Signal”一个。




  1. Low-Voltage Differential Signalling 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低压差分信号


  1. Las Vegas Day School 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:拉斯维加斯日间学校


  1. Low Voltage Differential Signaling 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低压差分信号
  2. Low Voltage Differential Swing 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低压差分摆动
  3. Low Voltage Differential Signalling 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低压差分信号
  4. Low Voltage Data Signal 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低压数据信号
  5. Low Voltage Differential SCSI 缩写成 “LVDS”. 中文意思是:低电压差分SCSI

