
“Song of the South”经常缩写成SOTS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Song of the South : 南方之歌

Song of the South具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SOTS
  2. 英语全称: Song of the South
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:南方之歌
  7. 中文拼音:nán fāng zhī gē
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. It mainly explains from four aspects including his unique life experience, the influence of the Song of the south and the Sao style, the effect of the Taoist school of thought, and the implication of western culture to him.
  2. 主要从他的独特人生经历、楚骚文化的浸染、老庄道家文化的熏陶、西方文化的影响四个方面进行探源。
  3. After Song Dynasty put down states of the south, the strong individual family concepts gradually reflected on the adjustment and practice of the ritual systems in early of Song Dynasty.
  4. 随着宋平南方诸国,南方社会中浓郁的个体家庭意识甚至开始反映在宋初礼制调整和礼制推行的某些方面。
  5. This part will from Song Dynasty civil service exam reflect of the bias mindset of of south north;
  6. 这部分将从宋代科举带来的南北之间的歧视心态;
  7. During the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty, with the transaction of the center of economy from North to South, the national conflict happened frequently in Southwest China.
  8. 两宋时期,在经济重心南移的大背景下,西南地区的民族冲突频繁发生。
  9. During the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the development and transmission of Quanzhen Daoism in the south of the Yangzi River, Jiangxi gradually became an active region of Quanzhen Daoism.
  10. 宋元明清时期,随着全真道在江南的传播与发展,江西渐成为全真道活跃的地区。


英文缩写词 SOTS 的含义,不止“Song of the South”一个。




  1. Society for Old Testament Study 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:旧约研究学会


  1. Suborbital Tank Separation 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:亚轨道油箱分离


  1. Sword of the Stars 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:星星之剑
  2. System Obsługi Toku Studiów 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:系统Obsugi Toku Studiw
  3. Special Operations Training Services 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:特种作战训练服务
  4. Stavanger offshore tekniske skole 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:斯塔万格近海技术学校
  5. Secretary of the State 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:国务卿
  6. Slaughter of the Soul 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:屠杀灵魂
  7. Stay Off The Streets 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:离街远点
  8. Snow On The Steps 缩写成 “SOTS”. 中文意思是:台阶上的雪

