
“As Many As Possible”经常缩写成AMAP,以便快捷书写、使用。



As Many As Possible : 尽可能多地

As Many As Possible具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AMAP
  2. 英语全称: As Many As Possible
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:尽可能多地
  7. 中文拼音:jìn kě néng duō dì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The purpose of our advertising is to draw as many as possible customers'interest and attention.
  2. 我们广告的目的就是吸引尽可能多的消费者的兴趣和注意力。
  3. So we must use strong prime and use the key pair which have as many as possible of bits.
  4. 对此必须使用强素数并采用尽量大数位的密钥对。
  5. Ok, I will bring you photos as many as possible.
  6. 好的,我会带给你尽可能多的照片。
  7. Now I want other titles, as many as possible.
  8. 现在我想要更多的冠军头衔,多多益善。
  9. Collect signs as many as possible and tell your classmates about it the next lesson.
  10. 尽可能多的搜集一些标志,下节课告诉你的同学们。


英文缩写词 AMAP 的含义,不止“As Many As Possible”一个。




  1. As Much As Possible 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:尽可能多地
  2. American Medical Accreditation Program 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:美国医学认证计划


  1. Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:加速微型企业推进项目
  2. Automotive and Manufacturing Advanced Practice 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:汽车与制造高级实践
  3. Advanced Management Accounting Program 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:高级管理会计程序


  1. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:北极监测和评估方案


  1. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:北极监测与评估计划
  2. Advanced Modular Armor Protection 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:高级模块化装甲保护


  1. Association of Modified Asphalt Producers 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:改性沥青生产商协会


  1. Active Member Appreciation Program 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:积极的会员欣赏计划
  2. Al Muqarram Auto Parts 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:Al-Muqarram汽车零件
  3. Approved Medication Approved Person 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:批准药物批准人
  4. Approved Medication Administration Personnel 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:批准的药物管理人员
  5. Approved Mileage Allowance Payments 缩写成 “AMAP”. 中文意思是:批准的里程津贴付款

