“District 13”经常缩写成D13,以便快捷书写、使用。
District 13具体释义
- 英文缩写:D13
- 英语全称: District 13
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:第13区
- 中文拼音:dì qū
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:新闻和媒体
- And after an uprising which saw one District completely obliterated ( District 13(D13) ), the Capitol now controls every aspect of life for the citizens of each District.
- 在经历一次叛乱后,有一个辖区&第13区(D13)被彻底毁灭了,国会区如今掌管着其他12个辖区民众生活的方方面面。
- An outbreak of acute conjunctival fever occured in a district of Beijing, in August of 1984.Several thousand school children ( aged 6 to 13 ) were affected and over 80 % of the patients had a history of swimming.
- 北京市某区于1984年8月在学龄儿童中暴发一次急性咽结合膜热,累及数千人,80%以上患儿有游泳史。
- Xishan District Cultural Relics Administration underwent salvage cleaning to 6 Ming Dynasty tombs belong to The Qians in 1999. More than 100 funeral objects, most of them were bullion ornaments and 13 epitaphs were found.
- 1999年锡山区文管办对6座明代钱氏家族墓葬进行了抢救性清理,共出土金银首饰等随葬品100多件,墓志铭13方。
- The fifth case is a13 year-old male from Kafr El-Sheik District, Kafr El-Sheik Governorate.
- 第五位病例是KafrEl-Sheik省KafrEl-Sheik区的一名13岁男童。
- this paper analyzes the district economic and financial development condition of Guangdong province.
- 最后运用多变量因子法对广东13个地区投融资状况进行分析,评价各地区经济发展潜力。
英文缩写词 D13 的含义,不止“District 13”一个。
- Volvo D13 缩写成 “D13”. 中文意思是:沃尔沃D13
- Thirteenth Coast Guard District 缩写成 “D13”. 中文意思是:第十三海岸警卫队区