
“Not For The Blind”经常缩写成NFTB,以便快捷书写、使用。



Not For The Blind : 不适合盲人

Not For The Blind具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NFTB
  2. 英语全称: Not For The Blind
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:不适合盲人
  7. 中文拼音:bù shì hé máng rén
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. When published written works are provided not for profit to the blind in a manner they can perceive them through the network and the said works can only be obtained through the information network;
  2. 不以营利为目的,通过信息网络以盲人能够感知的独特方式向盲人提供已经发表的文字作品,而该作品只能通过信息网络获取;
  3. I did not go to school because I have a visual impairment and I did not live near a school for the blind.
  4. 我不能上学是因为我有视觉障碍而且附近没有盲人学校。
  5. Thanks to Bigham's initial innovation and the subsequent contributions of others, it's not hard to see a bright Web-surfing future for the blind.
  6. 不难看到,由于比格姆的原创发明以及后来其他人的贡献,盲人上网有着光明的前景。
  7. The boy wanted to be a signalman on the railway, but could not be a accepted for the post as he was colour blind and could not tell read from green. directory of nonferrous metals institutes
  8. 这个男孩想在铁路当名信号员,但是没有录取因为他患有色盲,分不清红色和绿色。有色金属研究所名录
  9. Even there are coaches here, they are diverted from other sports, and their education is not high, which is very unfavorable for development of the blind football. 3 、 the propaganda about blind football in every province and city is not enough.
  10. 各省、市专业盲人足球教练非常缺乏,即便有教练也是其他体育项目改行过来的,而且学历都不高,这对于开展盲人足球十分不利。


英文缩写词 NFTB 的含义,不止“Not For The Blind”一个。




  1. N Federation Of Temple Brotherhoods 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:n寺庙兄弟会联合会
  2. National Federation Of Temple Brotherhoods 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:全国寺庙兄弟会联合会
  3. Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:尼亚加拉边境关税局


  1. Notes From The Borderland 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:边疆笔记
  2. National Farmer Training Board 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:全国农民培训委员会
  3. Notes from the biomass 缩写成 “NFTB”. 中文意思是:生物量说明

