
“University Teaching Theory Practice”经常缩写成UTTP,以便快捷书写、使用。



University Teaching Theory Practice : 大学教学理论实践

University Teaching Theory Practice具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:UTTP
  2. 英语全称: University Teaching Theory Practice
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:大学教学理论实践
  7. 中文拼音:dà xué jiào xué lǐ lùn shí jiàn
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:大学


  1. Practice teaching is an important part of university teaching. Practice teaching was considered as the incidental course of theory teaching, which leads to the practice teaching losing own characteristic.
  2. 实践教学是学校教学的重要组成部分,以前的教学中往往把实践教学看作是理论教学的附属课程,导致实践教学逐渐失去自身特点。
  3. On the one hand is the inclusion of the dominant university teaching programs of education, mainly including classroom education, classroom education, including the theory of political participation, political participation, education and the practice of education.
  4. 对大学生政治参与的教育应着重放在学校层面:一方面是列入高校教学计划的显性教育,主要包括政治参与理论的教育以及政治参与实践的教育。
  5. Henan university sports departments the course start rate is higher, but authority college specialist class teaching poorer, opened the ratio of the high proportion of technical teaching theory practice training, the proportion of students in smaller, later work adversely affect. 6.
  6. 河南高校体育院系课程开设率较高,但是有代表性影响力学院专修课开设较差,教学比例中技术教学所占比例较高,理论实践培养所占比例较小,对学生在以后的工作中造成不利影响。


英文缩写词 UTTP 的含义,不止“University Teaching Theory Practice”一个。




  1. University Teaching Theory and Practice 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:大学教学理论与实践


  1. Up To This Point 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:到目前为止
  2. Unità Tecnica Tecnologie Portici 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:Portico 技术部门
  3. Uygulamalı Teknoloji Ticarileştirme Programı 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:Uygural_teknoloji ticarile_tirme程序_
  4. Ultra Trail Torres del Paine 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:百内超级步道
  5. Unshielded Telephone Twisted Pair 缩写成 “UTTP”. 中文意思是:非屏蔽电话双绞线

