
“Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate”经常缩写成REER,以便快捷书写、使用。



Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate : 实际均衡汇率

Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:REER
  2. 英语全称: Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实际均衡汇率
  7. 中文拼音:shí jì jūn héng huì lǜ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. And the second is the decision of real equilibrium exchange rate.
  2. 第二:实际均衡汇率(REER)的确定;
  3. There are three problems as to real equilibrium exchange rate. The first is definition and measurement of real exchange rate.
  4. 与实际均衡汇率(REER)有关的问题有三个:第一:实际汇率的定义与度量;
  5. Secondly, this paper describes the main empirical study methodology of contemporary real equilibrium exchange rate, and the theory of cointegration analysis. And says that the investigative method of this paper is a single equation model in reduced-form general equilibrium based on the theory of cointegration analysis.
  6. 然后,介绍了当代均衡汇率实证研究的主要方法和和协整理论的有关知识,本文采用的方法是基于协整分析的简约一般均衡的单方程模型。
  7. Adopting dynamic general equilibrium method, This paper examines the long-run effects of tariffs, monetary expansion and fiscal policy changes on China's real equilibrium exchange rate after China's joining the WTO.
  8. 本文运用动态一般均衡的方法,探讨中国在加入世界贸易组织之后,关税税率调整、货币供应量增长率改变、财政政策调整等措施对实际均衡汇率(REER)的长期效应。
  9. After China's accession to the WTO, policy measures such as the declining of tariff will have some influences on China's real equilibrium exchange rate; meanwhile, Monetary and fiscal Policy adjustments in an open economy can also change the equilibrium exchange rate.
  10. 加入WTO后,降低进口品关税等措施将影响人民币均衡汇率水平,同时开放经济下国内货币政策、财政政策等宏观经济政策调整也会改变均衡汇率水平。


英文缩写词 REER 的含义,不止“Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate”一个。




  1. Real Effective Exchange Rate 缩写成 “REER”. 中文意思是:实际有效汇率
  2. Real effective exchange rates 缩写成 “REER”. 中文意思是:实际有效汇率
  3. real effective exchange rate—a 缩写成 “REER”. 中文意思是:实际有效汇率-A

