
“Administrative Law Judges”经常缩写成ALJ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Administrative Law Judges : 行政法法官

Administrative Law Judges具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ALJ
  2. 英语全称: Administrative Law Judges
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:行政法法官
  7. 中文拼音:xíng zhèng fǎ fǎ guān
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Administrative law judges shall be assigned to cases in rotation so far as practicable, and may not perform duties inconsistent with their duties and responsibilities as administrative law judges.
  2. 行政法官应尽可能轮流办案,他们不得履行与行政法官的职责和责任不相符的职责。
  3. These officials, which were formerly known as " trial examiners " or " hearing examiners " and are now called " administrative law judges " or ai, js, have several statutory protections.
  4. 这些过去被称之为“审判检查人”或“听证检查人”、如今则被称为“行政法法官(ALJ)”的官员享有若干法定保障。
  5. But in recent years, with the rapid development of British administrative law, the ultra vires doctrine displayed quite a few limitations. Some scholars and judges queried it, and they maintained that the doctrine should be abolished;
  6. 但近年来随着英国行政法的迅速发展,越权原则表现出不少缺陷,一些学者和法官对它提出了质疑,主张废弃该原则;
  7. Although Economic Law implementation mainly depends on administrative act ( that is why Economic Law is prone to be misinterpreted as economic administration law ), implementation of judicial act by judges should also be an indispensable means for implementation of Economic Law.
  8. 虽然经济法的实施主要有赖于行政行为(这也是经济法易被误读为经济行政法的原因),但通过法官司法行为的实施也应是经济法实施的不可或缺的途径。
  9. The improvement of the institutional environment include : rationalizing the relationship between the Court of internal administrative functions and judicial functions, protection of judges exercising their judicial power independently according to law, continue to implement the reform of professional judges.
  10. 制度环境的完善主要包括:理顺法院内部行政职能与审判职能的关系;保障法官依法独立行使审判权;继续推行法官职业化改革。


英文缩写词 ALJ 的含义,不止“Administrative Law Judges”一个。




  1. Alon USA Energy, Inc. 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:美国能源公司


  1. Alexander Bay, South Africa 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:南非亚历山大湾


  1. Administrative Law Judge 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:行政法法官
  2. Australian Law Journal 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚法律杂志


  1. Association Loisirs Jeunesse 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:青少年休闲协会


  1. Abdul Latif Jameel 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:阿卜杜勒·拉蒂夫·贾米尔
  2. Allergies Lungs and Joints 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:肺和关节过敏
  3. Art Libraries Journal 缩写成 “ALJ”. 中文意思是:艺术图书馆杂志

