

“Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation”经常缩写成MBGF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation : 梅林达比尔盖茨基金会

Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MBGF
  2. 英语全称: Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:梅林达比尔盖茨基金会
  7. 中文拼音:méi lín dá bǐ ěr gài cí jī jīn huì
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:非营利组织


  1. Melinda Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 48, United States, Humanitarian
  2. 梅琳达盖茨,比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会联合主席,48岁,美国,人道主义者
  3. Also in the top five were Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and wife of Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates, and Jill Abramson, the first woman executive editor of the New York Times.
  4. 在前五位的女性还有梅琳达盖茨,科技巨头比尔盖茨的妻子,也是比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会的联合创始人。还有《纽约时报》的第一位女性执行主编吉尔艾布兰森。
  5. The bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is an organization that I have tremendous respect for due to its willingness to tackle really tough problems, take risks, and measure results in meaningful ways.
  6. 我非常尊敬比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(TheBillandMelindaGatesFoundation),因为它愿意去解决真正棘手的问题,敢于承担风险,而且以一种有意义的方式来衡量结果。
  7. In 2009, several companies joined the bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a $ 40 million project to boost education and improve farming practices in cocoa-growing regions.
  8. 2009年,多家企业与比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会(theBillandMelindaGatesfoundation)携手,通过一个4000万美元规模的计划,来改善可可生产地区的教育,并改进可可的种植方法。
  9. Patty Stonesifer, previously the highest-ranking woman at Microsoft ( MSFT ), who then went on to run the multi-billion dollar bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also got a new job this year.
  10. 帕蒂•斯通西弗之前是微软(Microsoft)职位最高的女性,后来负责运营数十亿美元的比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation),今年她也找到了自己的新工作。

