
“Dreams of a Life”经常缩写成DOAL,以便快捷书写、使用。



Dreams of a Life : 生活的梦想

Dreams of a Life具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DOAL
  2. 英语全称: Dreams of a Life
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:生活的梦想
  7. 中文拼音:shēng huó de mèng xiǎng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Dramatically, on the vast expanse of her canvas, Yan spreads the most extravagant and mysterious shade of purple – conveying her dreams of a happy life yet endless homesickness.
  2. 在大幅尺寸的画布上,郭燕挥洒着梦境、奢靡浪费而又高深莫测的的紫色来倾诉自个儿对幸福人的生活的幻想和淡淡的乡愁。
  3. Martha dreams of a new type of life, the essence of which is freedom that is identical with freedom stressed by Existentialism.
  4. 她梦想着一种新的生活,这种生活的本质是自由。玛莎所向往的自由正是存在主义所强调的自由。
  5. In the following passage, Jackson reveals his hopes and dreams for the remake of a film that quite changed his life.
  6. 在接下来的文章中,杰克逊坦陈重拍这部电影一直是他的希望和梦想,这部电影改变了他的一生。
  7. Specializing in making everyone else's dreams of love come true, she's too busy to have a love life of her own.
  8. 她专事让他人的爱情梦想成真,但却忙得连一份属于自己的恋爱生活也没有。
  9. Dear master, in my heart I have five dreams of things that I want to happen. I want to get a blessing from master to be successful in this life.
  10. 亲爱的师父,我心里有五个梦想,是我想实现的事,我希望师父加持我此生圆满成功。


英文缩写词 DOAL 的含义,不止“Dreams of a Life”一个。




  1. Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:户外运动和探险


  1. Diffuse On Axis Light 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:轴上漫射光


  1. Deputy Orbital Analyst Leader 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:轨道副分析负责人


  1. Deutsche Ost Afrika Linie 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:德国东非专线
  2. Diffuse On Axis Lighting 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:轴上漫射照明
  3. DCF77 Optical Antenna Link 缩写成 “DOAL”. 中文意思是:DCF77光学天线链路

