
“yi yi yi”经常缩写成YIYI,以便快捷书写、使用。



yi yi yi : 易一夷

yi yi yi具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:YIYI
  2. 英语全称: yi yi yi
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:易一夷
  7. 中文拼音:yì yī yí
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. There are in fact two more schools of the studies of Yi other than that of the Text : the Five Element Yi and the Numeral Yi.
  2. 综观易学史,与这种“经文易学”同样重要的治易方式还有二:五行易学和图书易学。
  3. " ahshima " is a legend of the Sani people, a branch of the Yi national minority. Because of the continual growth of Yi population, the clan of Yi nationality also become divided continually.
  4. 阿诗玛是彝族的一枝撒尼人的经典性传说。由于彝族人口的不断发展,家支也在不断分化。
  5. The origin epics should find its position in the Yi literature history, but the precondition of Yi literature history relies on the formation of Yi ethnos.
  6. 源流史诗须在彝族文学史里去找定位,但是彝族文学史成立的先决条件是彝族的成立。
  7. Main works : Primary Discussion of Yi Alcohol Culture, Looking at the Developmental conditions of Dafang Agriculture from the Dafang Yi Language, and Yi Metal and Stone Inscriptions.
  8. 代表作有:《彝族酒文化初探》、《从大方彝语看大方农业发展情况》、《彝文金石图录》等。
  9. Yi nationality's lacquerware is the traditional crafts with unique nationality features. Because of the continual growth of Yi population, the clan of Yi nationality also become divided continually.
  10. 彝族漆器是彝族人民用独特工艺创造的极具民族特色的传统手工艺品。由于彝族人口的不断发展,家支也在不断分化。


英文缩写词 YIYI 的含义,不止“yi yi yi”一个。




  1. Yi Yi Yi Yi 缩写成 “YIYI”. 中文意思是:易义一义
  2. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi 缩写成 “YIYI”. 中文意思是:易易易易易易易易易易易
  3. Yi · Yi 缩写成 “YIYI”. 中文意思是:易义

