“Nan Nan Nan Nan”经常缩写成NANNAN,以便快捷书写、使用。



Nan Nan Nan Nan : 南南南南

Nan Nan Nan Nan具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NANNAN
  2. 英语全称: Nan Nan Nan Nan
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:南南南南
  7. 中文拼音:nán nán nán nán
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. If you would like to have NaN as part of the value space, define a union type that includes a NaN only datatype ( by specifying a pattern facet with a value of " NaN ").
  2. 如果想要在值空间中包含NaN,可以定义一个联合类型,其中仅包含一个NaN数据类型(通过指定值为“NaN”的模式facet来实现)。
  3. Similarly, including NaN in an enumeration does not make it accept NaN values.
  4. 类似地,将NaN包含在枚举类型中也不会使其接受NaN值。
  5. For float values, comparing two NaN values for equality will yield false, but comparing two NaN Float objects using Float. equals () will yield true.
  6. 对于float值,比较两个NaN值是否相等将会得到false,而使用Float.equals()来比较两个NaNFloat对象会得到true。
  7. In the MATLAB surface-making the digging method and the patching method are brought to success by replacing parts of the functional data by the MATLAB inherent variables NaN ( or Inf ) and replacing NaNs in the functional data by proper real numbers, respectively.
  8. 在MATLAB绘图中,将函数数据的某一部分换成内置变量NaN(或Inf),或者将函数数据中的NaN换成适当的实数,可分别实现绘图中的挖、补方法。
  9. To make matters worse, the rules for comparing NaN and-0 are different between the primitive float type and the wrapper class Float.
  10. 使事情更糟的是,在基本float类型和包装类Float之间,用于比较NaN和-0的规则是不同的。

