
“Peak Diastolic Flow Velocity”经常缩写成PDFV,以便快捷书写、使用。



Peak Diastolic Flow Velocity : 舒张峰值流速

Peak Diastolic Flow Velocity具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PDFV
  2. 英语全称: Peak Diastolic Flow Velocity
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:舒张峰值流速
  7. 中文拼音:shū zhāng fēng zhí liú sù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Dipyridamole was injected through vein, before and after the injection, peak diastolic flow velocity and time velocity were measured, the ratio was calculated and used as an index of coronary flow reserve.
  2. 经静脉注射潘生丁,测量用药前、后心尖部心外膜冠状动脉的舒张期峰值血流速度,血流速度时间积分,计算其比值,作为冠脉血流储备指标。
  3. Conclusions The intraventricular dispersion of peak early diastolic flow velocity E3 and E3 / E0 ratio may be useful in detecting LV diastolic function in CAD with elevated LVEDP patients.
  4. 结论左室内充盈离散度E3/E0可用于评价冠心病患者左室舒张功能,是测定冠心病左室舒张功能的一种简便有效的方法。
  5. The peak systolic flow velocity v s, peak diastolic early period flow velocity v dR and peak diastolic late period flow velocity v dL in the five points of tricuspid annulus were recorded and the values of v dR / v dL in the five points were calculated.
  6. 常规测量三尖瓣环上述五个位点的收缩期峰值速度vs,舒张早期峰值速度vdR,舒张晚期峰值速度vdL,计算各点的vdR/vdL值。
  7. Results indicated that the ratio of peak systolic to least diastolic flow velocity ( S / D ) and the resistant index of uterus artery and the S / D value of umbilical artery were much increased after administration of mifepristone.
  8. 结果:服用米非司酮后,子宫动脉阻力指数(RI)和S/D比值及脐动脉的S/D比值较用药前明显增高,胎盘微血管壁有损伤性表现。
  9. After treatment, the mean peak flow velocity and the end diastolic peak flow velocity of the basilar artery were significantly improved in the observation group as compared with those in the control group ( P < 0.01 ).
  10. 且治疗后观察组基底动脉平均峰流速和舒张期末峰流速改善程度均优于对照(P<0.01)。


英文缩写词 PDFV 的含义,不止“Peak Diastolic Flow Velocity”一个。




  1. Planetary Defense Flight Validation 缩写成 “PDFV”. 中文意思是:行星防御飞行验证

