
“College of Human Resource Management”经常缩写成CHRM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和学院相关。


College of Human Resource Management : 人力资源管理学院

College of Human Resource Management具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CHRM
  2. 英语全称: College of Human Resource Management
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:人力资源管理学院
  7. 中文拼音:rén lì zī yuán guǎn lǐ xué yuàn
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:学院


  1. The problem of mechanism of human resources management in college is analyzed based on the system of educational management in college, mechanism of human resource management and the strategy to attract excellent talents.
  2. 从高校教育管理制度、用人机制和吸引优秀人才机制的构建等方面探讨了高校用人机制问题。③采取多种措施,吸引优秀人才;
  3. Analysis of College Training Model of Human Resource Management Professionals
  4. 人力资源管理人才的高校培养模式分析
  5. With the implementation of management system of the secondary college, the subject of human resource management in the university has changed. The secondary college is entrusted with rights of human resource management in areas such as planning, appointment, adjustment, evaluation and training.
  6. 随着校院二级管理体制的建立,当代大学人力资源管理的主体发生了变迁,专业二级学院开始拥有在本院范围内进行人力资源的规划、任用、调控、评价、培训等权力。
  7. The Secondary College as the Subject of Human Resource Management in the University
  8. 专业二级学院:大学人力资源管理活动的主体
  9. This article analyses the feasibility of increasing the number of student workers in college libraries, on the basis of which the influence on the human resource management of college libraries is introduced.
  10. 对高校图书馆增加学生工的可行性进行分析,并通过分析,介绍此举对图书馆人力资源管理的影响。


英文缩写词 CHRM 的含义,不止“College of Human Resource Management”一个。




  1. Certified Hospitality Revenue Manager 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:注册酒店收入经理
  2. Centre for Human Resource Management 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:人力资源管理中心
  3. Certified Human Resources Manager 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:注册人力资源经理
  4. Center for Human Resource Management 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:人力资源管理中心
  5. Civilian Human Resource Management 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:文职人力资源管理
  6. Certificate in Human Resources Management 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:人力资源管理证书


  1. Cryopreserved Hepatocyte Recovery Medium 缩写成 “CHRM”. 中文意思是:冻存肝细胞恢复培养基

