
“Where to From Here”经常缩写成WTFH,以便快捷书写、使用。



Where to From Here : 从这里到哪里

Where to From Here具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WTFH
  2. 英语全称: Where to From Here
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:从这里到哪里
  7. 中文拼音:cóng zhè lǐ dào nǎ lǐ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Where to from here? Pfizer is in a data-gathering phase right now, and expects to have enough information in the second quarter to determine its next steps.
  2. 在哪里呢?辉瑞公司是在数据收集阶段,目前,预计有足够的资料,今年第二季度,以确定其今后的步骤。
  3. Do you or your readers have any suggestions on where to go from here?
  4. 您或您的读者对此有什么好的建议吗?
  5. Looking at where to go from here, they suggest a better understanding of the genetic variation in risk factors and longevity could help to develop better treatments in the community.
  6. 考虑到何去何从,他们建议首先对危险因素和寿命的遗传变异性有一个更好的了解,这样才能帮助发展更好的治疗手段。
  7. ' Here is where you are! If you can't get from here to where you want to be, you can at least get from here to somewhere much nearer to it.
  8. 你现在就是这种情况,如果你不能到达你想去的地方,你至少可以去离你的目标地很近的那个地方。


英文缩写词 WTFH 的含义,不止“Where to From Here”一个。




  1. Women Together For Health 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:妇女为了健康在一起
  2. Working Together For Health 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:为健康而合作


  1. What The Flaming Hell ....? 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:什么燃烧的地狱…?


  1. What the F Happened 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:发生了什么事
  2. Work to the first hearing 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:工作到第一次听证会
  3. What The F***ing Hell 缩写成 “WTFH”. 中文意思是:什么鬼东西

