
“Getting To Yes”经常缩写成GTY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Getting To Yes : 到达是

Getting To Yes具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:GTY
  2. 英语全称: Getting To Yes
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:到达是
  7. 中文拼音:dào dá shì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Often times in a VC firm, as with enterprise sales, getting to yes requires multiple partners to agree.
  2. 就像企业的销售部门,在VC机构里,有时需要几个合伙人一致同意才能做出一个决定。
  3. Getting to seven solid " Yes's " requires credibility.
  4. 上面七个问题都回答“是的”需要可靠性。
  5. The unspoken assumption was that, if only one or two had jibbed at the text, some way would be found of getting them to vote again and say yes.
  6. 言外之意是,要是有一两个国家反对,总有办法能让他们再投票并同意。
  7. Getting back to your question about the trend, I would say that yes, IntelliJ IDEA is already a cross-language IDE, and is going to continue being such.
  8. 至于你提到的趋势的问题,我会说是的,IntelliJIDEA已经是一个跨语言的IDE,将来也会继续在这条道路上发展下去。
  9. It ` s definitely clear that civil society is getting together, and is ready to say it clearly, to state as clearly, yes, that we are ready to fight for our freedom and for our right to vote for parties we like.
  10. 这肯定会非常清楚,社会聚集在一起,并准备说清楚,尽可能阐述明确,是的,我们准备为了我们的自由和我们的政党投票选举权去战斗。


英文缩写词 GTY 的含义,不止“Getting To Yes”一个。




  1. Getty Realty Corporation 缩写成 “GTY”. 中文意思是:盖蒂房地产公司
  2. Gonzo Tj And Yash 缩写成 “GTY”. 中文意思是:Gonzo TJ和Yash


  1. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA 缩写成 “GTY”. 中文意思是:美国宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡


  1. gritty 缩写成 “gty”. 中文意思是:砂砾


  1. Grace To You 缩写成 “GTY”. 中文意思是:对你的恩典

