“Youth of the Nation”经常缩写成YON,以便快捷书写、使用。
Youth of the Nation具体释义
- 英文缩写:YON
- 英语全称: Youth of the Nation
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:国家的青年
- 中文拼音:guó jiā de qīng nián
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:青年
- In terms of schooling I was far behind the average youth of the nation.
- 但就受的教育来说,我远远落在国内一般青年的后面。
- Result : The proportion of vocational academy undergraduates who suffer from medium-degreed psychological disease is 19.42 %. The overall level of psychology health is equal to that of undergraduates of the whole nation, but lower than that of youth of the whole nation.
- 结果:高职院校大学生可能有中度以上心理问题者占19.42%,心理健康总体水平与全国大学生相当,但低于全国青年水平。
- These indiscriminate attacks against the educated youth brought the literate of the nation to an angry boiling point.
- 滥捕滥杀青年学生的事件,使全国知识界义愤填膺,群情鼎沸。
- Despair is the death of the youth, which is the death of the nation.
- 绝望是青年人的毒药,是国家的坟墓。
- The growing up and development of the youth is related to the future and destiny of the nation, related to the revival of the Chinese people.
- 青年人才的成长和发展,关系到国家的前途和命运,关系到中华民族的伟大复兴。
英文缩写词 YON 的含义,不止“Youth of the Nation”一个。
- Yard Oiler Navy 缩写成 “YON”. 中文意思是:庭院加油船
- Youth Opportunities Network 缩写成 “YON”. 中文意思是:青年机会网络
- Yarn Over Needle 缩写成 “YON”. 中文意思是:针上纱