
“Physical In Physical Out”经常缩写成PIPO,以便快捷书写、使用。



Physical In Physical Out : 物理输入物理输出

Physical In Physical Out具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PIPO
  2. 英语全称: Physical In Physical Out
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:物理输入物理输出
  7. 中文拼音:wù lǐ shū rù wù lǐ shū chū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The evaluation of students ' physical education grade is an important factor in physical education teaching and management, because its quality influences teaching idea carrying out and goals implementing of physical education in middle school.
  2. 中学体育课成绩的评价,是中学体育课程教学和管理的重要环节,其评价质量的高低影响到我国中学体育教学指导思想的落实和体育课题目标的达成与实现。
  3. In thes paper the basic features of the modern physical education in China are discussed in a systematic way, and the present status and recent developments of Chinese physical education are pointed out.
  4. 本文系统论述了现代中国体育的基本特征,指出我国体育的现状与发展动态。
  5. The school physical education in new era has challenged to traditional concepts of physical education, improving quality of physical education and cultivating ability in effect for students to carry out physical exercise will be important aspects in targets of school physical education;
  6. 新时期的学校体育对传统的体育教育观念提出了挑战,提高体育教育质量,培养学生进行体育锻炼的有效能力,将是学校体育任务的重要方面;
  7. Based on the current situation of university physical education, the article points out the necessity and feasibility of teaching ballroom dancing in university physical education, so as to inquire the practical way to carry it out.
  8. 本文从现在高校公共体育教学的现状出发,提出交际舞在体育课教学中的必要性和可行性,以探索交际舞在体育教学中的适应性之路。
  9. The significance of rationalization of physical distribution in port construction is given. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of sea filling projects and earthwork excavating projects, the ways and essential points of rationalizing the physical distribution of the port earthwork are pointed out.
  10. 论述了港口建设物流合理化的意义,分析了填海工程及土石方开挖工程之特点,指明了港口土石方物流合理化途径和要点。


英文缩写词 PIPO 的含义,不止“Physical In Physical Out”一个。




  1. Project Inleidend Piano Onderwijs 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:钢琴入门教育项目


  1. Phase In Phase Out 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:逐步淘汰
  2. Parallel Input Parallel Output 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:并联输入并联输出
  3. Paper In Paper Out 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:进纸出纸
  4. Parallel In Parallel Out 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:平行与平行
  5. pretty interesting potyvirus ORF 缩写成 “PIPO”. 中文意思是:相当有趣的马铃薯病毒ORF

