
“Defence Against the Dark Arts”经常缩写成DADA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Defence Against the Dark Arts : 防御黑暗艺术

Defence Against the Dark Arts具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DADA
  2. 英语全称: Defence Against the Dark Arts
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:防御黑暗艺术
  7. 中文拼音:fáng yù hēi àn yì shù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Boys and girls of Hogwarts, it's time to say goodbye to two of your finest Defence Against the Dark Arts(DADA) teachers-that is Alan and David Thewlis last day on Harry Potter.
  2. 霍格沃兹的孩子们,是时候和你们两位黑魔法防御术的老师说再见了&艾兰和大卫·休里斯在哈利·波特剧组的最后一天。
  3. Well, not until a certain git by the name of Lockhart took over as Defence Against the Dark Arts(DADA) teacher, at any rate.
  4. 呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。
  5. Barty Crouch's part of this plan was to take Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Mad-Eye Moody, who was to become the new Defence Against the Dark Arts(DADA) instructor at Hogwarts that year.
  6. 计划的一部分是小巴蒂?克劳奇用复方汤剂转变成那年将在霍格沃兹新上任的黑魔法防御术课程的教师&疯眼汉穆迪。


英文缩写词 DADA 的含义,不止“Defence Against the Dark Arts”一个。




  1. Disability and Deaf Arts 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:残疾与聋哑艺术


  1. Detroit Auto Dealers Association 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:底特律汽车经销商协会


  1. Designers Art Directors Association 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:设计师艺术总监协会


  1. Defense Against the Dark Arts 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:防御黑暗艺术
  2. Dads Against Dirty Air 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:反对污浊空气的父亲
  3. Defense against Dumb assitude 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:防御愚蠢的协助
  4. Distributed Acquisition and Data Analysis 缩写成 “DADA”. 中文意思是:分布式采集与数据分析

