
“Quantitative Risk Research”经常缩写成QRR,以便快捷书写、使用。



Quantitative Risk Research : 定量风险研究

Quantitative Risk Research具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QRR
  2. 英语全称: Quantitative Risk Research
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:定量风险研究
  7. 中文拼音:dìng liàng fēng xiǎn yán jiū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. A Quantitative Risk Assessment and Management Method Research for Information System
  2. 信息系统风险评估与管理的定量化方法研究
  3. The Criteria and corresponding quantitative risk analysis measures abroad are compared and analysed. The research is classified into individual risk, societal risk, economic risk, environmental risk and integrated methods according to the different consequence type.
  4. 对国外风险接受准则及其对应的量化风险分析方法进行比较研究,根据损失后果类型的不同分为个人风险、社会风险、经济风险、环境风险及针对多种损失后果的综合方法等。
  5. Based on a great deal of reliable and the newest data of fault activity, this paper applied three methods, i. e. the qualitative, the quantitative and synthetical ones, to evaluate the risk of strong earthquakes in the research area.
  6. 本文以最新的断层活动性资料为基础,采用定性、定量、综合三种方法评估研究区的强震危险性。
  7. At present, many scholars study the risks are all qualitative research, quantitative research on risk measurement results are less, based on this background, the author investigate the human resource outsourcing risk of communication enterprise and study the measurement research of the risk.
  8. 目前很多学者关于外包风险的研究都属于定性研究,关于风险测度的定量研究成果较少,笔者基于此背景,对通信企业人力资源外包的风险实际调研,进行风险测度研究。
  9. Setup of standards and development of methods for quantitative evalution of fault activity and its risk are of great significance for estimating potential seismic risk along active faults and very useful in earthquake prediction and engineering seismological research.
  10. 研究活断层活动度和危险度的定量评定标准和方法,对活断层潜在地震危险性评估具有重要意义,在地震预报和工程地震研究中有广泛应用。


英文缩写词 QRR 的含义,不止“Quantitative Risk Research”一个。




  1. Quimera Responsible Racing 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:Quimera负责任赛车
  2. Queens RimRockers Basketball, Inc. 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:皇后区摇滚篮球公司


  1. Qualified Rehabilitation Representative 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:合格康复代表
  2. Quality Recreation in Richmond 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:里士满的优质休闲


  1. Quincy Railroad Company 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:昆西铁路公司
  2. Warren, Australia 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚沃伦
  3. Quail Ridge Reserve 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:鹌鹑岭保护区


  1. Are you ready for automatic operation? 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:准备好自动操作了吗?
  2. Reverse Recovery Charge (Q = charge) 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:反向回收费用(Q=费用)


  1. Qualitative Research Requirement 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:定性研究要求


  1. Queensland Resource Registry 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:昆士兰资源登记处
  2. Quality Requirement Review 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:质量要求评审
  3. Qualification Review Report 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:资格审查报告
  4. Quarterly Requisition Report 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:季度征用报告
  5. Quick Rifle Release 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:快速步枪释放


  1. QuickRegionRenderer Script 缩写成 “QRR”. 中文意思是:快速区域渲染器脚本

