
“Received by transfer”经常缩写成RBT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Received by transfer : 通过转账接收

Received by transfer具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RBT
  2. 英语全称: Received by transfer
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:通过转账接收
  7. 中文拼音:tōng guò zhuǎn zhàng jiē shōu
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Taxpayer : by the way, should we pay enterprise income tax if we received net income by the transfer?
  2. 纳税人:股权转让如果有收益是否要缴所得税?
  3. Danjiangkou Reservoir is the national water source region of drinking water, and it is also water source region of the South-North Water Transfer Project. Its water quality security is related to the whole river basin and the region which received the water by the transfer project.
  4. 丹江口水库是国家级饮用水源地,同时也是南水北调中线工程水源地,库区水质安全关系着整个流域及供水地区人民的生活质量。
  5. Proceeds received by the taxpayer on the transfer of real estate shall include monetary proceeds, proceeds in kind and other proceeds.
  6. 纳税人转让房地产所取得的收入,包括货币收入、实物收入和其他收入。
  7. Payment : You can notify the " ZWW Chinese and foreign net " signatures received the payments can be made by bank transfer;
  8. 付款方式:可通知“ZWW中外网”签字领款,也可通过银行转帐;
  9. All additional revenue received by the Central Government from increased income tax receipts will be used as general transfer payments to local governments, mainly in the central and western regions.
  10. 中央从所得税增量中多分享的收入,全部用于对地方主要是中西部地区的一般性转移支付。


英文缩写词 RBT 的含义,不止“Received by transfer”一个。




  1. Royal Bengal Tiger 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:皇家孟加拉虎


  1. Re- Building Together 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:一起重建


  1. Rail Barge Truck 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:轨道驳船卡车
  2. Marsabit, Kenya 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:肯尼亚马萨比特


  1. Robotics 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:机器人学


  1. Rifle Barrel Technology 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:步枪枪管技术
  2. Random Breath Testing 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:随机呼吸测试
  3. Roadway Breathalyzer Test 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:道路呼气分析仪试验
  4. Rare Book Team 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:珍本团队
  5. Red-Black Tree 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:红黑树


  1. Royal Banning Thread 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:皇家禁止线
  2. Red, Blue, Tan 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:红色,蓝色,Tan
  3. Registered Behavior Technician 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:注册行为技术员
  4. River Bathymetry Toolkit 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:河流水深测量工具包
  5. Rapid Balanced Temperature 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:快速平衡温度
  6. Risk Based Testing 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:基于风险的测试
  7. Research for Better Teaching 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:提高教学质量的研究
  8. Requirements Based Testing 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:基于需求的测试
  9. Rules Based Trader 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:基于规则的交易者
  10. Reckless battering tablet 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:鲁莽打击片


  1. Ring Back Tone 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:回铃音
  2. Rotherham Brought Together 缩写成 “RBT”. 中文意思是:罗瑟勒姆汇聚一堂

