
“Time Frequency Correlation Function”经常缩写成TFCF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Time Frequency Correlation Function : 时频相关函数

Time Frequency Correlation Function具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TFCF
  2. 英语全称: Time Frequency Correlation Function
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:时频相关函数
  7. 中文拼音:shí pín xiāng guān hán shù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The concept of time frequency power spectrum is presented. The relations between the time frequency power spectrum and the wavelet transform of auto correlation function is also studied. The method of PD signal's drawing from white noise is presented.
  2. 以时频功率谱为基础,研究了自相关函数的小波变换及与时频功率谱的关系,提出了利用小波变换从白噪声中提取局放信号的方法。
  3. Without sending any training sequences, the proposed algorithm can accurately estimate the frequency and time delay of self-interference signal through three phases : frequency pre-search, correlation function fitting and peak acquisition.
  4. 该算法不需要单独发送训练序列,通过频率预搜索、相关函数拟合和峰值捕获三个过程,即能够比较准确地估计出自干扰信号的频率和时延,且计算量相对较小。
  5. To locate of the underwater vehicle, several cross correlation function based time | delay estimators implemented in frequency domain including real time weighing function estimated generalized correlation estimator, thrice correlation estimator and cross correlation function bispectrum estimator are presented.
  6. 以水下航行体被动定位为背景,提出基于互相关函数的频域实现实时权函数估计广义相关法、三次相关法和互相关函数双谱法等三种时延估计器。


英文缩写词 TFCF 的含义,不止“Time Frequency Correlation Function”一个。




  1. Tracy Fish Collection Facility 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:特蕾西鱼类采集设施


  1. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:台湾儿童家庭基金


  1. Theater Field Confinement Facility 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:战区野战限制设施


  1. Truckee Fire Charitable Fund 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:特鲁基消防慈善基金
  2. Twenty-First Century Foundation 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:第二十一世纪基金会


  1. Twenty First Century Fox 缩写成 “TFCF”. 中文意思是:二十一世纪福克斯

