“Rich / Fit”经常缩写成RICHFIT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Rich / Fit : 丰富/适合

Rich / Fit具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RICHFIT
  2. 英语全称: Rich / Fit
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:丰富/适合
  7. 中文拼音:fēng fù shì hé
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The establishment of state schools bred the rich thought of keeping fit of Qi culture.
  2. 稷下学宫的建立,孕育了齐文化丰富的养生思想。
  3. Conclusion The seaside is elegant and the rich convalescent elements are fit for all kinds of peoples health care.
  4. 结论烟台海滨优美秀丽,自然环境质量优,地理环境幽雅、疗养因子丰富,适合于各类人员的保健疗养。
  5. Main conclusion : Popularize lesson of selecting, select content rich and varied keeping fit light sports, raise skill tactics competence, system of athletic club after class again, It is a quick-acting means to bring about an advance in sports to improve sports appeal;
  6. 主要结论:普及选项课、选项内容丰富多彩、重健身淡竞技、提高技战术水平、课外体育俱乐部制,是提高体育吸引是促进体育发展的速效手段;
  7. At the same time, a rich client front-end is better fit for some categories of applications.
  8. 同时,富客户端前端更适合于某些类别的应用程序。
  9. Higher fixed efficiency are achieved using wormcast ( 7.32 % ) and turf ( 8.99 % ), and both are rich nutrient humus manure which fit for controlling loss of nitrogen during composting.
  10. 蚯蚓粪(7.32%)和草炭(8.99%)有较好的固定效果,且二者本身就是一种含养分丰富的腐殖质类肥料,适合做堆肥化氮素损失原位控制材料。

