
“Advanced Monitoring Systems”经常缩写成ADNM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和纳斯达克符号相关。


Advanced Monitoring Systems : 先进的监控系统

Advanced Monitoring Systems具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ADNM
  2. 英语全称: Advanced Monitoring Systems
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:先进的监控系统
  7. 中文拼音:xiān jìn de jiān kòng xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:纳斯达克符号


  1. Proposed that if we want to strengthen risk management, we must know the specific risk management objectives. Based on the advanced monitoring systems of risk management and the use of advanced risk management methods and means, we can ensuring effective risk management.
  2. 提出要强化风险管理,必须采取转变经营理念、确定明确的风险管理目标、依托先进的风险监控系统、采用先进的风险管理方法和手段,进而确保风险管理和效益最大化经营目标的最终实现。
  3. Development and Deployment of Advanced Wayside Condition Monitoring Systems
  4. 先进道旁车辆状态监视系统的开发和应用
  5. A 12 MW steam turbine of Qingdao steam turbine factory was taken as an example of a kind of advanced and reliable computer monitoring and fuzzy control systems for steam turbines.
  6. 以青岛汽轮机厂12MW双抽式汽轮机为例,介绍了一种先进可靠的汽轮机监测与模糊控制系统。
  7. With respect to technological prevention measures, Guangzhou metro has adopted advanced operation and monitoring facilities, and strengthened the maintenance of technological equipment systems and the management of distribution of emergency response devices and tools.
  8. 技术防范措施包括采用先进的技术设备及安全监控设备、加强对技术设备系统的维护管理和对应急工器具的配备管理;
  9. The network system is a synthetic information management and decision support system, with integrated multiple advanced techniques for data acquisition, network communication, condition monitoring, performance analysis, fault diagnosis, expert systems, and internet.
  10. 该网络系统是集现场振动数据采集、网络通讯、状态监测、故障诊断、计算机、人工智能和INTERNET等先进技术于一体的综合信息管理网络系统。


英文缩写词 ADNM 的含义,不止“Advanced Monitoring Systems”一个。




  1. Addendum 缩写成 “ADNM”. 中文意思是:补遗


  1. Avast Distributed Network Manager 缩写成 “ADNM”. 中文意思是:Avast分布式网络管理器
  2. Active Directory Network Manager 缩写成 “ADNM”. 中文意思是:Active Directory网络管理器
  3. Auto Day Night Mirror 缩写成 “ADNM”. 中文意思是:自动日后视镜

