
“Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control”经常缩写成HIRARC,以便快捷书写、使用。

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Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control : 危险源辨识风险评价与风险控制

Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HIRARC
  2. 英语全称: Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:危险源辨识风险评价与风险控制
  7. 中文拼音:wēi xiǎn yuán biàn shí fēng xiǎn píng jià yǔ fēng xiǎn kòng zhì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. A Research on Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control(HIRARC) of Railway Engineering Construction
  2. 铁路工程施工危险源辨识、风险评价与风险控制研究
  3. This subject does some research on how to strengthen hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control, and how to avoid and reduce the accident, on the condition that railway construction enterprise builds and implements occupational health and safety management.
  4. 本课题研究铁路施工企业在建立和实施以危险源管理为核心的职业健康安全管理体系条件下,如何进一步加强危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制工作,避免和减少事故发生。
  5. This paper discusses in detail hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control that are suitable to railway construction project, and the proper methods that are applicable.
  6. 详细探讨了适合铁路施工项目的危险源辨识、风险评价、风险控制过程以及可应用的合理方法。
  7. Aiming at the present main problem, this paper puts forward the concrete measures of strengthening hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control.
  8. 并针对当前存在的主要问题,结合铁路施工项目特点,提出了加强危险源辨识、风险评价、风险控制的10条具体对策。


英文缩写词 HIRARC 的含义,不止“Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control”一个。




  1. Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Risk Control 缩写成 “HIRARC”. 中文意思是:危险源辨识风险评价风险控制

