
“Inverse Distance Weighted”经常缩写成IDW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Inverse Distance Weighted : 反距离加权

Inverse Distance Weighted具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IDW
  2. 英语全称: Inverse Distance Weighted
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:反距离加权
  7. 中文拼音:fǎn jù lí jiā quán
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Using the areal weighting interpolation and inverse distance weighted averaging, a spatial distribution model of GDP is established in this paper.
  2. 文章采用栅格数据模型,运用面积权重法和反距离加权(IDW)法对GDP值进行了空间拓展。
  3. After obtaining the raw data, a simple method is used in the paper to process forest fire related data from 1999 to 2000, in which the data at arbitrary site is calculated by inverse distance weighted interpolation.
  4. 我们尝试将1999年和2000年的火灾相关参数的原始数据利用简单的三点反距离加权(IDW)插值方法分解到三级格点上,并对分解的结果进行了分析。
  5. In this paper, we discuss a method based on inverse distance weighted ( IDW ) algorithm to construct seafloor digital terrain model ( DTM ) using multi-beam soundings, and the application of level of details ( LOD ) technology.
  6. 针对多波束测深数据集,采用改进的距离反比权重算法和多细节层次模型技术来建立海底数字地形模型(DTM)。
  7. Based on the interpolation of known observation data, the spatially continuous distribution of raster data were obtained to realize data grid, spatial distribution maps of spare sunlight disasters in Jiangsu Province were gained by using the inverse distance weighted interpolation method.
  8. 利用反距离权重插值方法(IDW),用已知观测点数据插值获得空间上连续分布的栅格数据,实现数据网格化,得到江苏省寡照灾害空间分布图。
  9. According to the features of micro-geomorphology of seabed and pipeline, a method based on inverse distance weighted ( IDW ) algorithm to construct seafloor digital terrain model ( DTM ) using multi-beam soundings, which can improve the ability of multi-beam echo sounder on pipeline inspecting.
  10. 结合多波束测深系统特点,提出基于海底微地貌和管道特征的改进IDW算法,能够构建更高精度的DTM,为运用多波束技术检测海底管道奠定基础。


英文缩写词 IDW 的含义,不止“Inverse Distance Weighted”一个。




  1. Indian Defence Wiki 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:印度国防维基


  1. Institut der Wirtschaftsprufer in Deutschland 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:德国审计师协会


  1. Instructor Development Workshop 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:讲师发展研讨会


  1. Inverse Distance Weighting 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:逆距离权重法
  2. Idea Design Works 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:创意设计作品


  1. Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:矢量图形 (IntelliDraw)

