
“Inverse Distance Weighting”经常缩写成IDW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Inverse Distance Weighting : 逆距离权重法

Inverse Distance Weighting具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IDW
  2. 英语全称: Inverse Distance Weighting
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:逆距离权重法
  7. 中文拼音:nì jù lí quán zhòng fǎ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. 【 Method 】 Data were analyzed with the traditional statistical analysis method, the geo-statistical analysis with semivariogram structure and model fitting, the ordinary Kriging and the inverse distance weighting method.
  2. 【方法】样品测定结果采用传统统计分析,半方差结构和模型拟合的地统计分析以及结合普通Kriging和反比距离插值方法进行分析。
  3. The study selects some representative methods of estimation in spatial variables as objects, including Inverse Distance Weighting(IDW) in the traditional space estimation;
  4. 本研究选取比较有代表性的几种空间估计方法:传统空间插值方法中的反距离加权法和趋势面法;
  5. Moreover, three estimation methods ( bi-linear interpolation, inverse distance weighting method and the correlation coefficient method ) were compared and the results showed that there was no absolutely optimal way.
  6. 另外,通过分析对比雨量站点预报降雨的三种估算方法(双线性插值法,反距离加权法和相关系数法),提出了集成双线性插值法和反距离加权法的耦合估算方法。
  7. Because the root mean square error is more important, ordinary kriging interpolation was better than inverse distance weighting, which was better than simple Kriging method.
  8. 因为均方根预测误差值更为重要,所以从总体上看普通克里格方法优于反距离加权插值法,而反距离加权法又优于简单克里格方法。
  9. Improvement Research on Inverse Distance Weighting(IDW) Method Based on Dynamic Voronoi Diagram
  10. 基于动态Voronoi图的距离倒数加权法的改进研究


英文缩写词 IDW 的含义,不止“Inverse Distance Weighting”一个。




  1. Indian Defence Wiki 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:印度国防维基


  1. Institut der Wirtschaftsprufer in Deutschland 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:德国审计师协会


  1. Instructor Development Workshop 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:讲师发展研讨会


  1. Inverse Distance Weighted 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:反距离加权
  2. Idea Design Works 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:创意设计作品


  1. Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) 缩写成 “IDW”. 中文意思是:矢量图形 (IntelliDraw)

