
“Inlet Valve Opening”经常缩写成IVO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和建筑学相关。


Inlet Valve Opening : 进气门开度

Inlet Valve Opening具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IVO
  2. 英语全称: Inlet Valve Opening
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:进气门开度
  7. 中文拼音:jìn qì mén kāi dù
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:建筑学


  1. The in cylinder tumble motion of a 4 valve engine with one inlet valve opening was studied on steady flow rig with vane anemometer and the position of maximum tumble vector was found; The forming process of in cylinder tumble was studied with Hot Wire Anemometer.
  2. 在稳流气道试验台上用叶片风速仪测量了4气门发动机单气门工作时缸内的滚流运动,确定了最大滚流矢量的位置;
  3. Studies on Steady Measurements of In-Cylinder Tumble in a 4-Valve Engine with One Inlet Valve Opening(IVO)
  4. 4气门发动机单气门工作时缸内滚流运动的稳态测量研究
  5. By applying black box theory inlet pressure, inlet subcooling, outlet pressure and valve opening are selected as influence factors to flow coefficient of electronic expansion valve ( EEV ).
  6. 根据黑箱理论提出将阀前压力、阀前过冷度、阀后压力和膨胀阀流通面积作为膨胀阀流量系数的影响参数。
  7. Exhaust temperature is as the main controlled variable to regulate the steam valve opening coarsely; inlet air temperature is as the deputy variable to regulate the steam valve opening subtly, for fine-tuning of the steam valve opening.
  8. 其中以排风温度为主被控变量,进行蒸汽阀门开度粗调;进风温度为副被控变量,进行蒸汽阀门开度的辅助微调。
  9. Siemens 300 series PLC controller are used to establish the program. The cascade control method of the inlet temperature and exhaust temperature of double-loop of the heating steam is used to regulate the valve opening.
  10. 用西门子300系列PLC控制器建立一套新的程序,采用串级控制方法,用进风温度和排风温度双回路控制加热蒸汽阀门开度。


英文缩写词 IVO 的含义,不止“Inlet Valve Opening”一个。




  1. Internet Video Overlay 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:Internet视频覆盖


  1. Intelligent Valve Operator 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:智能阀门操作器
  2. Imperial Innov 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:帝国无罪


  1. Chivolo, Colombia 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:哥伦比亚Chivolo


  1. Immobilised Vehicle Orders 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:固定车辆指令


  1. Im Very Old 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:我很老
  2. International Visitors Office 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际游客办公室
  3. International Virtual Observatory 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际虚拟天文台
  4. Intake Valve Opening 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:进气门开度
  5. In View Of 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:鉴于
  6. International Verified Omega 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际认证欧米茄

