
“Intake Valve Opening”经常缩写成IVO,以便快捷书写、使用。



Intake Valve Opening : 进气门开度

Intake Valve Opening具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IVO
  2. 英语全称: Intake Valve Opening
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:进气门开度
  7. 中文拼音:jìn qì mén kāi dù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. At idle speeds and under a light load, the amount of intake valve opening is small;
  2. 在怠速速度和在轻负荷,进气阀打开的量是小的;
  3. Rather than using a mechanical device to regulate intake valve opening, Fiat uses a hydraulic chamber between the camshaft and the intake valve.
  4. 不是用机械装置调节进气阀打开,菲亚特在凸轮轴和进气门之间用了液压的燃烧室。
  5. The gas pressure fluctuations in the intake pipe affect the gas charge not only in the intake valve opening time but also in the intake valve closing time of the next engine cycle.
  6. 进气管内气体的压力波动不仅影响进气门开启期间气缸的进气量,而且在进气门关闭后,还将影响下一循环气缸的进气量。
  7. For same fuel injection, the residual HC concentration and the residual ratio have no remarkable variety with retarded injection timing, and the combustion in the cylinder became worse when the injection happened after intake valve opening.
  8. 喷射相同燃料时,推迟喷射时刻对于残留HC浓度和残留比例没有明显影响,若喷射燃料发生在进气门开启之后时,由于燃料与空气混合不良,将导致缸内燃烧的恶化。
  9. The intake and exhaust valve opening times will overlap as RPMs rise, recycling some of the charge the outgoing air creates.
  10. 进气和排气的气门开合时间随着转速的提高相互交叠,循环着将废气排出。


英文缩写词 IVO 的含义,不止“Intake Valve Opening”一个。




  1. Internet Video Overlay 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:Internet视频覆盖


  1. Intelligent Valve Operator 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:智能阀门操作器
  2. Imperial Innov 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:帝国无罪


  1. Chivolo, Colombia 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:哥伦比亚Chivolo


  1. Inlet Valve Opening 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:进气门开度


  1. Immobilised Vehicle Orders 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:固定车辆指令


  1. Im Very Old 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:我很老
  2. International Visitors Office 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际游客办公室
  3. International Virtual Observatory 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际虚拟天文台
  4. In View Of 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:鉴于
  5. International Verified Omega 缩写成 “IVO”. 中文意思是:国际认证欧米茄

