
“Return On Energy”经常缩写成ROE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和能源相关。


Return On Energy : 能量回报率

Return On Energy具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ROE
  2. 英语全称: Return On Energy
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:能量回报率
  7. 中文拼音:néng liàng huí bào lǜ
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:能源


  1. It is found that return on sales, return on investment, high quality ratio, comparable energy consumption per ton of steel and continuous casting ratio have greater effects on an enterprise's financial performance.
  2. 通过数据分析发现,销售利税率、资金利税率、综合成材率、吨钢可比能耗以及连铸比对钢铁企业的经济效益影响较大。
  3. In this paper, the author introduced the concept of energy return on investment ( EROI ) and method of calculating EROI by energy quality.
  4. 文章介绍了能源投资收益率(EROI指数)的概念&能源生产过程中能源产出和能源消耗的比值,引入了能源质量因子的概念,并以此为理论依据介绍了能源投资收益率的计算方法。
  5. Service outsourcing industry has also been called the " Green Industry ", which is characterized by a high degree of knowledge-intensive, high return on investment, high technology, light pollution, resources, lower energy consumption.
  6. 服务外包产业也被人们称作绿色产业,其特点是知识密集程度高,投资回报率高,科技含量高,环境污染轻,资源能耗低。
  7. McKinsey said it made its estimate by including energy-saving measures that would yield a return of 10 per cent or more on the investment required, through lower energy consumption.
  8. 麦肯锡表示,自己是通过归纳节能措施进行的估测。通过降低能耗,这些措施可以产生所需投资10%或以上的收益。
  9. The stock daily return time series signal was decomposed on different frequency bands to study the correlativity, and the energy proportions of different frequency components to the original signal were compared.
  10. 将日收益率的时间序列信号分解在不同频带上,比较各频率成分占原始信号的能量比。


英文缩写词 ROE 的含义,不止“Return On Energy”一个。




  1. Reached On Error 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:出错时到达
  2. Reached base On Error (in baseball) 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:(棒球中)以失误为基础


  1. Right Otitis Externa 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:右外耳炎
  2. Regional Office for Europe 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:欧洲区域办事处


  1. Return On Equity 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:股本回报率
  2. Rate Of Exchange 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:汇率


  1. Rules Of Engagement 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:交战规则
  2. Record of Employment 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:就业记录
  3. Regional Office of Education 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:地区教育办公室


  1. Regional Offices of Education 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:区域教育办公室
  2. Return on Education 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:教育回报率
  3. Right Of Entry 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:进入权
  4. Recognition Of Excellence 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:卓越的认可


  1. Rising Over Envy 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:嫉妒心高涨
  2. Rest Of Eternity 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:剩下的永恒
  3. Really Outstanding Epicurean 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:真正杰出的伊壁鸠鲁人
  4. Rosemary Oleoresin Extract 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:迷迭香油树脂提取物

