
“Return on Education”经常缩写成ROE,以便快捷书写、使用。



Return on Education : 教育回报率

Return on Education具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ROE
  2. 英语全称: Return on Education
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教育回报率
  7. 中文拼音:jiào yù huí bào lǜ
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. In a survey of child domestic workers in Delhi, save the children found that many schools serving the poor were of such low quality that the expected return on education was not equal to the sacrifice of income made during school years.
  2. 拯救儿童组织在德里做过一次关于家庭童工的调查,发现很多为穷人服务的学校教学质量低下,以致于教育的预期回报还抵不上上学期间牺牲的收入。
  3. On the basis of the theories concerning educational signaling, I analyze the rational decision behaviors of the agents who invest in education and compete in the educational diploma market in the pursuit of obtaining the return on education with the instrument of cost-return analysis.
  4. 在教育信号的相关理论基础上,运用教育信号的成本&收益分析工具,解析了教育信号投资主体参与教育文凭市场的竞争,以获得教育投资收益的理性决策行为。
  5. First, on the basis of the introduction of the basic theory of education expense and education return, this chapter reviews the change in the rate of return on education investment.
  6. 第五章,日本的教育投资。首先,在介绍教育费用、教育收益等基本理论的基础上,考察了日本教育投资收益率的变化。
  7. However, the rate of return on a college education has been rising as well, making the investment a good deal.
  8. 然而,高等教育的回报率也在上升,这使得投资划算,成为很好的交易。
  9. A proven program, SBIR is increasingly being adopted and adapted around the world as a means to accelerate innovation and augment the return on national investments in education and research.
  10. SBIR被证明是一个成功的项目,它在世界各地越来越被广泛采纳和改进,正在成为加速创新、扩大国家在教育和科研上投资回报的一种手段。


英文缩写词 ROE 的含义,不止“Return on Education”一个。




  1. Reached base On Error (in baseball) 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:(棒球中)以失误为基础
  2. Reached On Error 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:出错时到达


  1. Right Otitis Externa 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:右外耳炎
  2. Regional Office for Europe 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:欧洲区域办事处


  1. Rate Of Exchange 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:汇率
  2. Return On Equity 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:股本回报率


  1. Rules Of Engagement 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:交战规则
  2. Return On Energy 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:能量回报率
  3. Regional Office of Education 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:地区教育办公室
  4. Record of Employment 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:就业记录


  1. Right Of Entry 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:进入权
  2. Recognition Of Excellence 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:卓越的认可
  3. Regional Offices of Education 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:区域教育办公室


  1. Rosemary Oleoresin Extract 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:迷迭香油树脂提取物
  2. Rising Over Envy 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:嫉妒心高涨
  3. Rest Of Eternity 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:剩下的永恒
  4. Really Outstanding Epicurean 缩写成 “ROE”. 中文意思是:真正杰出的伊壁鸠鲁人

