
“Equal Employment Opportunities”经常缩写成EEO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和职业和职位相关。


Equal Employment Opportunities : 平等就业机会

Equal Employment Opportunities具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EEO
  2. 英语全称: Equal Employment Opportunities
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:平等就业机会
  7. 中文拼音:píng děng jiù yè jī huì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:职业和职位


  1. It reduces the optimal efficiency of labor forces allocation by labor market, deprives some labors of their fair and equal employment opportunities as well as harms the employment rights.
  2. 就业歧视降低了劳动力市场对劳动力资源最优配置的效率,剥夺和损害了部分劳动者公平、公正的就业机会和权利。
  3. At the moment I am designing a new Equal Employment Opportunities(EEO) policy for our company.
  4. 现在我正在为公司设计一项平等的工作机会的政策呢。
  5. This paper states ways of creating equal employment opportunities for women and ways of managing the career for women.
  6. 就创造女性平等就业的机会、女性职业管理的途径作了论述。
  7. The discrimination which is caused by the inequality in the employment seriously hinder the realization of equal employment opportunities.
  8. 就业过程中的不平等待遇引起的就业歧视严重妨碍了劳动者平等就业机会(EEO)的实现。
  9. If we to guarantee the equal employment opportunities, we should introduce lawmaking experience of anti-employment discrimination in developed countries. We should establish and improve the law system of anti-employment discrimination, which suits the situation of our country.
  10. 保障劳动者平等就业机会(EEO)的实现,应通过借鉴发达国家反就业歧视的立法经验,建立和完善适合我国国情的反就业歧视法律制度。


英文缩写词 EEO 的含义,不止“Equal Employment Opportunities”一个。




  1. Equal Employment Officer 缩写成 “EEO”. 中文意思是:平等就业官员
  2. Effective and Efficient Operations 缩写成 “EEO”. 中文意思是:高效运作


  1. Equal Employment Opportunity 缩写成 “EEO”. 中文意思是:平等就业机会
  2. Each Errors and Omissions 缩写成 “EEO”. 中文意思是:每一个错误和遗漏
  3. Energy Efficiency Office 缩写成 “EEO”. 中文意思是:节能办公室

