
“Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility”经常缩写成CESR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility : 企业环境和社会责任

Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CESR
  2. 英语全称: Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:企业环境和社会责任
  7. 中文拼音:qǐ yè huán jìng hé shè huì zé rèn
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Sustainability has become a mainstream issue, a corporate culture that emphasizes environmental stewardship, economic contribution, and social responsibility.
  2. 可持续发展已经成为主流的问题,企业文化,强调环境管理,经济贡献和社会责任。
  3. In theory, corporate environmental responsibility is not only the continuance and development of corporate social responsibility theory, but also the important embodiment of legislation response to the notion of sustainable development.
  4. 从理论上看,公司环境责任的提出既是公司社会责任理论思潮的延续和发展,也是响应可持续发展观的重要体现。
  5. Lacking of corporate commitment to corporate environmental responsibility and scientific theoretical and a good social atmosphere, the corresponding scientific criteria have not been effectively implemented, businesses face many problems when taking environmental responsibility.
  6. 企业环境责任的承担缺乏科学的理论指导和良好的社会氛围,相应科学的标准也没有得到有效的落实,企业承担环境责任面临诸多问题。


英文缩写词 CESR 的含义,不止“Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility”一个。




  1. Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:专科医生注册资格证明书
  2. Core Environmental Stress Response 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:核心环境应力响应


  1. Central Sierra Bank 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:塞拉中央银行
  2. Committee of European Securities Regulators 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:欧洲证券监管委员会
  3. Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:专科医生注册资格证明书


  1. Cornell Electron Storage Ring 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:康奈尔电子储存环
  2. Center for Ergonomics and Safety Research 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:人类工程学和安全研究中心
  3. Center for Economic and Social Research 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:经济社会研究中心
  4. Center for Earth Systems Research 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:地球系统研究中心


  1. Center for Environmental Systems Research 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:环境系统研究中心
  2. Centre for Employment Studies Research 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:就业研究中心


  1. Center for Education on Social Responsibility 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:社会责任教育中心


  1. Certificates of Eligibility for Specialist Registration 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:专科医生注册资格证明书
  2. Center for Economic and Social Rights 缩写成 “CESR”. 中文意思是:经济和社会权利中心

