
“Experience Japan Culture”经常缩写成EJC,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和国际商务相关。


Experience Japan Culture : 体验日本文化

Experience Japan Culture具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EJC
  2. 英语全称: Experience Japan Culture
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:体验日本文化
  7. 中文拼音:tǐ yàn rì běn wén huà
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:国际商务


  1. We should learn the experience from the successful communication of Hai Guo Tu Zhi in Japan, based on the national culture, continuous learning foreign advanced culture, to promote the Chinese culture to the world.
  2. 我们应该吸取《海国图志》在日本成功传播经验,立足于民族文化,不断地学习外国先进文化,与人类精神、时代精神融汇,促进中国文化走向世界。
  3. So the analyses and study the experience of town and country merge into an organic whole in Japan and New Village Movement in South Korea which both have common oriental culture tradition with China must have great meaning in use for reference.
  4. 所以分析研究与我国有共同东方文化传统的日本城乡一体化和韩国的新农村运动的经验肯定有很大借鉴意义。
  5. His political thoughts were stimulated by his experience on a diplomatic mission to London, by the profound national crisis after the War with Japan in 1894, by the development of national capitalism, and by his profound accomplishment in Chinese culture.
  6. 其出使伦敦的经历、甲午战争后沉重的民族危机及民族资本主义的发展、其深厚的国学素养等因素促进了他政治思想的产生。


英文缩写词 EJC 的含义,不止“Experience Japan Culture”一个。




  1. European Journal of Cancer 缩写成 “EJC”. 中文意思是:欧洲癌症杂志


  1. Engineering Joint Council 缩写成 “EJC”. 中文意思是:工程联合委员会


  1. Evoked Junctional Current 缩写成 “EJC”. 中文意思是:诱发连接电流
  2. Electronic Journal Center 缩写成 “EJC”. 中文意思是:电子期刊中心


  1. Embedded Java Controller 缩写成 “EJC”. 中文意思是:嵌入式Java控制器

