
“Men Of Quality”经常缩写成MOQ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Men Of Quality : 高素质人才

Men Of Quality具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MOQ
  2. 英语全称: Men Of Quality
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:高素质人才
  7. 中文拼音:gāo sù zhì rén cái
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. The development trend of modernization in oil depots ' safety and management is to be based on men of high quality while making assistance of computer network of oil depots ' safety and management, and managing methods of modern science.
  2. 油库安全管理现代化的发展方向是:以高素质的人为基础,辅以油库安全管理微机网络和现代科学的管理方法。
  3. There is no evidence that older men produce fewer sperm, but there is evidence that the sperm from older men are of poorer quality.
  4. 没有证据表明,老年人会产生越来越少的精子,但显而易见的是,老年人的精子质量很差。
  5. As to the reform of administrative system of higher education, the newly-founded institutions must adopt the teaching-centered guideline to focus on four-year education, scientifically orientate its role of application, revolve around teaching innovation and aim at cultivating men of talents of high quality.
  6. 在高等教育管理体制改革中,新建本科院校必须确立以发展本科教育为主,以教学为中心的指导思想,确立应用性本科教育的科学定位和以教学改革为核心,人才培养为目标的发展方向。
  7. Since the 1980s, with the developing of air-condition technology, men begin thinking much of room condition quality, displacement ventilation has been given a good favour for its higher ventilation effectiveness and air exchange efficiency.
  8. 二十世纪八十年代以来,空调技术的发展开始对室内环境质量有了足够的重视,置换通风因其较高的通风效率和换气效率而受到人们的青睐。
  9. Admit yourself a merchant, and protest to gods and men that the merchandise you offer is of better quality than much which sells for a high price.
  10. 勇敢地表明你的意愿吧,承认你自己是个商人,向众神和人们声明你提供的商品比许多高价出售的东西更好。


英文缩写词 MOQ 的含义,不止“Men Of Quality”一个。




  1. Minimum Order Quantity 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:最小订货量
  2. Memorandum Of Query 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:查询备忘录
  3. Metaphysics Of Quality 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:质的形而上学
  4. Mathworks 缩写成 “Moq”. 中文意思是:数学著作
  5. Minimum Orderable Quantity 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:最小可订购量


  1. Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:Maritimes,安大略省,魁北克省
  2. Morondava, Madagascar 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:马达加斯加莫隆达瓦


  1. Married Officers Quarters 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:已婚人员宿舍


  1. Mary Our Queen 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:玛丽女王
  2. Marquess Of Queensberry 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:昆斯伯里侯爵


  1. Multiple Order Quantity 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:多个订单数量
  2. Minimal Order Quantity 缩写成 “MOQ”. 中文意思是:最小订货量

