
“Management Quality Means ....”经常缩写成MQM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Management Quality Means .... : 管理质量是指……

Management Quality Means ....具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MQM
  2. 英语全称: Management Quality Means ....
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:管理质量是指……
  7. 中文拼音:guǎn lǐ zhì liàng shì zhǐ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. In order to guarantee books quality, our country has already established a series of relevant national standards and trade criterions, and made clear regulation on evaluation criterion, supervise management system, quality control means, etc.
  2. 为了保证图书质量,我国已经制定了一系列相关国家标准和行业规范,对图书质量的评价标准、监督管理制度、质量控制手段等作出了明确的规定。
  3. The feature of this article is to apply the motivation theory of people-centered management to the construction of the team of teaching secretary and improve their comprehensive management quality and level by means of emotional motivation, goal motivation, award motivation and so on.
  4. 文章的主要特点在于将人本管理中的激励理论应用到加强教学秘书队伍建设中,通过情感激励、目标激励、奖励激励等手段提高他们的综合管理素质和水平。
  5. Strengthening the management of service quality is an important means to improve the quality of service. And service for passengers is the primary content of service in the airport.
  6. 加强服务质量管理是提高服务质量的重要手段,旅客服务又是机场服务范畴中最主要的内容。
  7. We have advanced management experience, production flow and quality control means to provide customers with guaranteed high-quality products.
  8. 我们拥有先进的管理经验、生产流程和质量控制手段,保证了为客户提供高质量的产品。
  9. Some customers refer to project management or advanced product quality planning as a means to achieve product realization.
  10. 有些顾客将项目管理或先期产品质量策划作为产品实现的一种方法。


英文缩写词 MQM 的含义,不止“Management Quality Means ....”一个。




  1. Management and Quantitative Methods 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:管理和定量方法
  2. Management & Quantitative Methods 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:管理与定量方法


  1. Mission Quality Management 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:任务质量管理
  2. Mutahedda Qaumi Movement 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:穆塔赫达卡乌米运动
  3. Muhajir Qaumi Movement 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:穆哈吉尔卡乌米运动
  4. Muttahida Quami Movement 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:穆塔希达夸米运动


  1. Multinet Quality Monitor 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:多网质量监测仪
  2. Message Queue Manager 缩写成 “MQM”. 中文意思是:消息队列管理器

