
“Northwest Natural Gas”经常缩写成NWN,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和NYSE符号相关。


Northwest Natural Gas : 西北天然气

Northwest Natural Gas具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NWN
  2. 英语全称: Northwest Natural Gas
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:西北天然气
  7. 中文拼音:xī běi tiān rán qì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:NYSE符号


  1. In recent years, major breakthroughs were made for natural gas exploration in Junggar basin, larger scale of gas reservoirs were successively found in south margin, east part and northwest margin, indicating the enormous potential for natural gas exploration.
  2. 近年来,准噶尔盆地天然气勘探取得了重大突破,连续在南缘、东部、西北缘发现较大规模的气藏,预示着天然气勘探的巨大潜力。
  3. Roughnecks on a rig in northwest Louisiana, where the discovery of a large natural gas field has made landowners rich.
  4. 路易斯安那西北部,被发现的巨量天然气使当地人暴富。图为钻塔中工作的钻井工人。
  5. In northwest China there are abundant resources of oil and natural gas, but tremendous market requirement are there in southeast China. So the enormous separation between product and sale promotes of pipeline transportation industry.
  6. 我国西北地区油气资源丰富,而东部沿海市场需求巨大,这样的产销分离促使管道输送业蓬勃发展。


英文缩写词 NWN 的含义,不止“Northwest Natural Gas”一个。




  1. No Wires Needed 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:不需要电线


  1. NeverWinter Nights 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:无冬之夜
  2. Net Work News 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:网络新闻
  3. Newbury Weekly News 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:纽伯里周报


  1. New World Notes 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:新世界笔记
  2. Never Winter Nights 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:从不冬夜
  3. Nigas with Nigas 缩写成 “NWN”. 中文意思是:黑鬼和黑鬼

