“New Zealand Made”经常缩写成NZM,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。中文意思为:“新西兰制造”。
New Zealand Made具体释义
- 英文缩写:NZM
- 英语全称: New Zealand Made
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:新西兰制造
- 中文拼音:xīn xī lán zhì zào
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:常用
- European settlers in New Zealand made up a large percentage.
- 到新西兰定居的欧洲人所占比例很大。
- New Zealand has made a great achievement in its forestry privatization between the1980s and the1990s, which can provide the reference for the reform in China.
- 新西兰在上个世纪末进行了较彻底的林业私有化改革,取得了很大的成功,其解决各种矛盾和争议所采用的方法很多方面值得中国学习。
- A New Zealand kayaker made the semi-finals of the men's slalom at the Olympics despite being given a two-second penalty by his mother who is a judge at the games.
- 一位新西兰皮划艇选手在男子皮划艇激流回旋的比赛中遭到了为时两秒的处罚,而进行这次判罚的本场比赛裁判,正是该选手的妈妈。尽管受罚,他仍然成功挺进半决赛。
- New Zealand is made up of two main islands, the north and south islands whose landscape is notable for its variety and particularly its mountainous nature.
- 新西兰分成南北两个大岛,地形以其多样性和特殊的多山自然风光而著称。
- Methods : The cardiac injury models of adult New Zealand rabbits were made by ear vein instillation with isopropyl epinephrine ( 10mg / kg b. w. )
- 方法:成年新西兰兔以10mg/kg体重,从耳静脉匀速滴注异丙肾上腺素制作动物心肌损伤模型。
英文缩写词 NZM 的含义,不止“New Zealand Made”一个。
- Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 缩写成 “NZM”. 中文意思是:新音乐杂志
- New Zealand Music 缩写成 “NZM”. 中文意思是:新西兰音乐
- New Zealand Mint 缩写成 “NZM”. 中文意思是:新西兰铸币局