
“Administrative Quality Control”经常缩写成AQC,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Administrative Quality Control : 行政质量控制

Administrative Quality Control具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AQC
  2. 英语全称: Administrative Quality Control
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:行政质量控制
  7. 中文拼音:xíng zhèng zhì liàng kòng zhì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. With reference to this problem, this dissertation proposed innovative administrative strategies on three aspects : quality control on commodity, benefit of operating acreage and turnover of stocking commodity.
  2. 为了解决这个难题,本文提出了通过实施商品质量控制、经营面积效益和商品库存周转三个方面管理方法的创新战略,来推动企业发展的观点。
  3. Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the national standards for acoustic environmental quality, divide their respective administrative regions into different zones for application of different standards for acoustic environmental quality and exercise control accordingly.
  4. 县级以上地方人民政府根据国家声环境质量标准,划定本行政区域内各类声环境质量标准的适用区域,并进行管理。
  5. We must also take appropriate measures to further the reformation of the administrative management system, develop an independent style of education, strengthen faculty developing, perfect the system of teaching supervision & quality control, and set up the networked quality monitoring system for distance teaching.
  6. 要努力深化行政管理制度的改革,创建独立的办学品格,加强师资队伍建设,完善教学质量监控制度,建立远程网络教学质量监控系统。
  7. Focusing on administrative methods of improving economic benefits of retail businesses, in accordance with theories and practical facts, this dissertation is a study concerning quality control of commodities, benefit of operating acreage and turnover of stocking commodities.
  8. 本文围绕提高零售商业企业经济效益的管理方法这个核心,依据有关理论,结合企业实际,将商品质量控制、经营面积效益和商品库存周转作为研究对象,展开了探讨和研究。
  9. There are also opportunities, county administrative department of quality and technical supervision of our quality and technical supervision administration of the primary industry sector, but also the micro-macro-control to the command control station.
  10. 县级质量技术监督行政管理部门是我国质量技术监督行业管理机构的最基层部门,又是宏观控制到微观控制的指挥工作站。


英文缩写词 AQC 的含义,不止“Administrative Quality Control”一个。




  1. Adventure Quest Cheat 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:探险任务作弊


  1. Accredited Quality Contractor 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:合格质量承包商
  2. Analytical Quality Control 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:分析质量控制
  3. Ag Quality Connection 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:AG质量连接
  4. Australian Pacific Coal Limited 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚太平洋煤炭有限公司


  1. American Quality Congress 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:美国质量大会


  1. Automatic Quality Control 缩写成 “AQC”. 中文意思是:自动质量控制

