
“Quality Management Questionnaire”经常缩写成QMQ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Quality Management Questionnaire : 质量管理调查表

Quality Management Questionnaire具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QMQ
  2. 英语全称: Quality Management Questionnaire
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:质量管理调查表
  7. 中文拼音:zhì liàng guǎn lǐ diào chá biǎo
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Methods The quality of management and report of legal infectious diseases were surveyed by using questionnaire and the results were analyzed.
  2. 方法采用问卷调查和抽查核对的方法,对网络直报的管理和报告质量进行分析。
  3. The simplified model is established based on the relationship between global supply chain satisfaction and two dimensions, which are internal quality management and interface quality cooperation in terms of the limitation of research. Indicators are set for investigating questionnaire, and small sample study is carried through.
  4. 鉴于研究条件所限,建立了基于内部质量管理和界面质量合作两个维度与全球供应链满意度关系的简化模型,设立了调查问卷的问卷指标,进行了小样本的研究。
  5. If the commissioning products, the commissioning quality management personnel shall be responsible for the investigation in the commissioning processing factory and follow up the rectification and reform, providing quality complaint questionnaire to the complaint handler; providing technical support for the complaint handler;
  6. 如是代加工产品,则由代加工质量负责在代加工厂进行调查和跟进整改情况,同时提供《质量投诉调查表》给投诉处理人,为投诉处理人提供技术支持;
  7. A questionnaire survey was conducted in investigating laboratory quality management and laboratory function 3.Field visit was paid to 10 selected laboratories according to the screening result of serum panel and the result of questionnaire survey.
  8. 采用问卷方式对各实验室的职能和质量管理工作进行调查;(3)根据质评血清检测和调查问卷填写的结果,抽取10家实验室进行现场实地考查。
  9. Methods Led the comfortable nursing model to the entire nursing service quality management of operating room, formulated the proceeding of the comfortable nursing service of operating room, and applied this into surgical operating patient., The result was feedback by questionnaire which designed by ourselves.
  10. 方法将舒适护理模式引入到手术室整体护理服务质量管理中来,制定手术室舒适护理服务程序,并将其应用于手术病人,通过自行设计的问卷调查反馈结果。


英文缩写词 QMQ 的含义,不止“Quality Management Questionnaire”一个。




  1. Immucor, Inc. options 缩写成 “QMQ”. 中文意思是:Immucor, Inc. 选项


  1. Quality of Motivation Questionnaire 缩写成 “QMQ”. 中文意思是:动机质量问卷


  1. Quarry Materials Queensland 缩写成 “QMQ”. 中文意思是:昆士兰采石场材料

