
“Quarter on Quarter”经常缩写成QOQ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Quarter on Quarter : 一季度比一季度

Quarter on Quarter具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QOQ
  2. 英语全称: Quarter on Quarter
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:一季度比一季度
  7. 中文拼音:yī jì dù bǐ yī jì dù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. In the third quarter, however, they dipped 40 per cent quarter on quarter.
  2. 然而,今年第三季度,上述收益环比下降了40%。
  3. In Singapore developers ' land price bids rose by a fifth last year while property prices were rising at 1.8 per cent quarter on quarter by the end of 2012, three times their third-quarter rate.
  4. 去年新加坡开发商的土地投标价格上涨了五分之一,而2012年末季房地产价格环比上涨1.8%,三倍于第三季度增幅。
  5. The first clear sign came in Singapore on Thursday, when preliminary GDP figures for the third quarter showed a contraction of 19.8 per cent, quarter on quarter, seasonally adjusted, which was much bigger than consensus forecasts.
  6. 第一个清晰的迹象来自新加坡。该国上周四公布的初步数据显示,经季节性因素调整后,第三季度GDP比上季度萎缩19.8%,幅度远大于共识预期。
  7. Japanese indices barely flinched on Wednesday when the world's second biggest economy was revealed to have shrunk 4 per cent quarter on quarter.
  8. 周三传出世界第二大经济体日本第一季度经济环比萎缩4%的消息,而日本股市却几乎没有下跌。
  9. The effect on companies ' capital spending has been marked, with core private-sector machinery orders plunging 17 per cent quarter on quarter in the three months to December, the steepest fall on record.
  10. 去年第四季度,核心私营部门机械订单比上一季度减少17%,为创纪录的最大降幅,标志着公司资本支出受到显著影响。


英文缩写词 QOQ 的含义,不止“Quarter on Quarter”一个。




  1. Wild Oats Markets options 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:野生燕麦市场选择


  1. Query of Queries 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:查询
  2. Query of Query 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:查询查询

