
“Query of Queries”经常缩写成QOQ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Query of Queries : 查询

Query of Queries具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QOQ
  2. 英语全称: Query of Queries
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:查询
  7. 中文拼音:chá xún
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Particularly, the index construction methods, semantic coordination, query semantics, query processing strategies, types of queries supported, and query optimization of P2P database-style queries are discussed in detail.
  2. 然后针对上述3个方面,论述P2P数据管理研究的现状,着重讨论了P2P数据库查询(QOQ)的索引构造策略、语义异构的解决方法、查询(QOQ)语义、查询(QOQ)处理策略、查询(QOQ)类型和查询(QOQ)优化技术。
  3. Not alike previous queries that only consider single query object ( e.g., nearest neighbor query ), these new types of queries take multiple query objects into account which are called spatio-temporal aggregate queries in term.
  4. 这些查询(QOQ)不再是以往那种只考虑单个查询(QOQ)对象的查询(QOQ)(如最近邻查询(QOQ)),而是考虑多个查询(QOQ)对象的查询(QOQ)称为时空聚集查询(QOQ)。
  5. The research efforts have mainly concentrated on integration architecture, service description / discovery / registry mechanisms, integration models and implementation environment. However, few works have been conducted in the area of service-based spatial query, especially of the distributed spatial queries.
  6. 当前的研究主要集中在集成框架、服务描述/发现/注册机制、集成建模与运行环境等方面,而在基于服务的空间数据查询(QOQ),尤其是分布式空间数据查询(QOQ)方面的研究还比较缺乏。
  7. Materialized query tables can significantly improve the performance of queries, especially complex queries.
  8. 物化查询(QOQ)表可以显著提高查询(QOQ)的性能,尤其是提高复杂查询(QOQ)的性能。
  9. Currently, the Servlet only supports SELECT queries, but the underlying query engine can execute all four types of queries.
  10. 现在,Servlet仅支持SELECT查询(QOQ),但是底层的查询(QOQ)引擎可以执行全部四种查询(QOQ)类型。


英文缩写词 QOQ 的含义,不止“Query of Queries”一个。




  1. Wild Oats Markets options 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:野生燕麦市场选择


  1. Quarter on Quarter 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:一季度比一季度


  1. Query of Query 缩写成 “QOQ”. 中文意思是:查询查询

