
“Direction And Knowledge”经常缩写成DAK,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Direction And Knowledge具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DAK
  2. 英语全称: Direction And Knowledge
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:方向和知识
  7. 中文拼音:fāng xiàng hé zhī shi
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Enterprise management mode of electric power design corporation is transformed from comprehensive functional system to matrix organization. It will be further transformed to the complex management mode with flow as the direction and knowledge intelligence and network virtualization as the characteristics.
  2. 电力设计企业管理模式经历了从综合职能制到矩阵式的变革,未来将向以流程为导向的、知识智能化与网络虚拟化为特征的复合型管理模式方向转变。
  3. And understanding of the types of computer viruses and the development direction and universal knowledge of computer virus protection is becoming increasingly important.
  4. 而了解计算机病毒的种类和发展方向,普及计算机病毒防护知识也变得越来越重要。
  5. The direction and speed of knowledge flow are the bottleneck problems in the knowledge management ( KM ).
  6. 知识流向、流速是知识管理中的瓶颈问题。
  7. Stock of knowledge can provide the impetus to acquire new knowledge, but also contributes to the implementation of future conditions to explore the direction and scope of knowledge flows will always belong to the intellectual capital, but constantly switching between the various forms.
  8. 知识存量可以提供获取新知识的动力,也有助于形成对未来情况施行探究的方向和范围,知识流量永远都属于智力资本,却又不断的在以各种形式切换。
  9. Taking the third grade mathematics in the direction and location of knowledge, as an example, it carries an analysis of the teaching object, teaching content and chooses the suitable features to accumulate the performance.
  10. 以小学三年级数学中的《方向与位置》知识为例,进行教学对象、教学内容的分析,从中选择适合积件来表现的知识点。


英文缩写词 DAK 的含义,不止“Direction And Knowledge”一个。




  1. Doesnt Allow Kindness 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:不允许仁慈


  1. Deutsche Angestellten-Krankenkasse 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:德国员工健康保险公司


  1. Dakota 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:达科他


  1. Direcway Access Kit 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:Direcway接入套件
  2. Demon And Knivez 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:恶魔和骑士
  3. Drottningen Av Kanelbullar 缩写成 “DAK”. 中文意思是:肉桂面包皇后

