
“Hong Kong Trade Development Council”经常缩写成HKTDC,以便快捷书写、使用。



Hong Kong Trade Development Council : 香港贸易发展局

Hong Kong Trade Development Council具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HKTDC
  2. 英语全称: Hong Kong Trade Development Council
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:香港贸易发展局
  7. 中文拼音:xiāng gǎng mào yì fā zhǎn jú
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:


  1. Jeffrey Lam, chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC)'s toys advisory committee, expressed support for a unified global standard, saying it would help reduce manufacturers ' rising costs in China and retail prices abroad.
  2. 香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)玩具顾问委员会主席林健锋(JeffreyLam)表达了对统一全球标准的支持。他表示,这将有助于降低中国制造商日益上升的成本和国外零售价格。
  3. Nonetheless, compared with currencies of other developed countries, its international usage and acceptance is rather low, says Dickson Ho, an economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC).
  4. 然而,香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)的经济学家何达权(DicksonHo)认为,与其他发达国家的货币相比,日元在国际上的使用度和接受度都相当低。
  5. Billy Wong, economist at the Hong Kong trade development council, says that transition is under way, noting that Hong Kong firms use the city as a hub for logistics management and design.
  6. 香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)经济学家BillyWong表示,转型正在进行,他指出,香港公司把东莞作为物流管理和设计的中心。
  7. Frederick Lam, executive director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC), Hong Kong.
  8. 林天福,香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)总裁,香港。
  9. The Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC) ( TDC ) was established in 1966 as the statutory body responsible for promoting and expanding Hong Kong's external trade.
  10. 香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)于一九六六年成立,是负责促进和发展香港对外贸易的法定机构。

