
“Energy Monitoring and Control System”经常缩写成EMCS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和产品相关。


Energy Monitoring and Control System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EMCS
  2. 英语全称: Energy Monitoring and Control System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:能源监控系统
  7. 中文拼音:néng yuán jiān kòng xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. At present, around the country in large public building energy monitoring and energy saving control system development.
  2. 目前,全国各地都在进行大型公共建筑的能耗监测与节能控制系统开发。
  3. The Correct Ways of Heating Boiler Operation With Saving Energy Consideration and Its Monitoring and Control System
  4. 供暖锅炉节能运行的正确途径及相应的监控系统
  5. It mainly solve the implementation problem of workshop production task aiming at fast response of manufacturing and energy consumption reduction by real-time monitoring and optimization of coordinated control system to logistics and state of equipment.
  6. 它主要解决车间生产任务的执行问题,通过对物流和设备状态等进行实时监测与协调优化控制,达到快速响应制造及降低能耗的目的。
  7. The campus energy-saving monitoring platform system we designed could well complete the following functional requirements : improving energy monitoring and management capabilities; complete intelligent control functions; sound system compatible functions; stable and reliable operation functions.
  8. 本校园节能监管平台系统较好的完成了以下功能需求:完善的能耗监测管理功能;完备的智能控制功能;良好的系统兼容功能;稳定可靠的运行功能。
  9. This paper focuses on the design of energy monitoring network of the large-scale public buildings energy-saving and control strategies, fault detection diagnosis and recovery of heating ventilating and air conditioning ( shorted as HVAC ) system.
  10. 本文围绕大型能耗监控系统通信网络、节能控制策略及暖通空调(HVAC)系统故障检测诊断与恢复这三个方面展开了研究,取得了一定的成果。


英文缩写词 EMCS 的含义,不止“Energy Monitoring and Control System”一个。




  1. Energy Management Control Systems 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:能源管理控制系统
  2. Energy Monitoring Control Services 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:能源监测控制服务
  3. Energy Management Control System 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:能源管理控制系统
  4. Engineering Materials Consultancy Service 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:工程材料咨询服务


  1. Senior Chief Electricians Mate 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:高级电工大副
  2. Energy Motion Colliding and Spacing 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:能量运动碰撞与间隔


  1. IEEE International Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Symposium 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:国际电磁兼容性研讨会


  1. European Modular Cultivation System 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:欧洲模块化栽培体系
  2. Excise Movement and Control System 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:消费税移动和控制系统
  3. Electronically Managed Creative Solutions 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:电子管理创新解决方案
  4. Excise Movement Control System 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:消费税移动控制系统
  5. Electrolytic Marine Corrosion Services 缩写成 “EMCS”. 中文意思是:电解海洋腐蚀服务

