
“Education And Training Management System”经常缩写成ETMS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和管理相关。


Education And Training Management System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ETMS
  2. 英语全称: Education And Training Management System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教育培训管理制度
  7. 中文拼音:jiào yù péi xùn guǎn lǐ zhì dù
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. Education and training management system, through system testing will be used in schools, training institutions, the system will address the use of manual entry of these departments are not long-term normative and the low level of information management issues.
  2. 教育培训管理系统通过系统测试后将应用于学校、培训机构等,系统运用后会解决这些部门长期手工录入的不规范性和信息化管理水平低下的问题。
  3. Research of the XML Technology and B / S Module in Vocation Education and Training Management Information System
  4. XML技术和B/S模式在职业教育与培训管理信息系统中的应用研究
  5. Based on the further supply of human resources strategy, a detailed plan is made about the education and training strategies, evaluation and incentive strategies, and human resources information management system.
  6. 在需求预测的基础上,进一步对电业局的人力资源供给策略、教育和培训策略、考核和激励策略以及人力资源信息管理系统做出了详细规划。
  7. Vocational education as knowledge innovation and high level personnel training body, how to take full advantage of the Internet network at the school to establish a modern management information system, is that we need to discuss and resolve an important issue.
  8. 高等职业教育作为知识创新和高层次人才培养的主体,如何充分利用Internet网在学校建立起现代化的管理信息系统,是我们需要深入探讨和解决的一个重要课题。
  9. In the end, respectively from the education and training, system construction, organization and leadership, culture idea, and technical support and so on six aspects to ensure the protection of the effective implementation of the performance management system is proposed.
  10. 最后,分别从教育培训、制度建设、组织领导、文化理念和技术支持等六个方面提出了确保绩效管理体系有效实施的保障性建议。


英文缩写词 ETMS 的含义,不止“Education And Training Management System”一个。




  1. Etmsenhanced Traffic Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:增强型交通管理系统
  2. Electronic Train Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:电子列车管理系统
  3. Enterprise Tool Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:企业工具管理系统
  4. Education Training Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:教育培训管理制度
  5. Expert Traffic Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:专家交通管理系统


  1. Electronics Technician Maintenance School 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:电子技师维修学校


  1. Enhanced Traffic Management System 缩写成 “ETMS”. 中文意思是:增强的交通管理系统

