
“Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol”经常缩写成ISAKMP,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和专业组织相关。


Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol : Internet安全关联密钥管理协议

Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ISAKMP
  2. 英语全称: Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:Internet安全关联密钥管理协议
  7. 中文拼音:ān quán guān lián mì yuè guǎn lǐ xié yì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:专业组织


  1. IKE is automation key management protocol of IPSec, it was built on the framework that was defined by Internet Security Association and Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, it defined its unique technology of producing verification and encryption material and negotiation shared policy.
  2. IKE是IPSec的自动密钥管理协议,它建立在Internet安全连接和Internet安全连接及密钥管理协议(ISAKMP)定义的框架上,定义出自己独一无二的验证加密材料生成技术,以及协商共享策略。
  3. IKE ( Internet Key Exchange ) protocol is a kind of protocol for key management, which is responsible for dynamic key negotiation and IPSec SA ( Security Association ) management used in IPSec ( IP Security ).
  4. IKE(Internetkeyexchange)协议是一种密钥管理协议,与IPSec(IPsecurity)协议一起使用,负责动态协商和管理IPsecSA(SecurityAssociation,安全关联)。


英文缩写词 ISAKMP 的含义,不止“Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol”一个。




  1. The Internet Security Association And Key Management Protocol 缩写成 “ISAKMP”. 中文意思是:互联网安全协会和密钥管理协议
  2. Interenet Security Association Key Management Protocol 缩写成 “ISAKMP”. 中文意思是:Internet安全关联密钥管理协议


  1. Oakley-Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol / Oakley 缩写成 “ISAKMP”. 中文意思是:奥克利互联网安全协会和密钥管理协议/Oakley
  2. Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol 缩写成 “ISAKMP”. 中文意思是:Internet安全关联和密钥管理协议

