
“Collaborative Forecasting And Replenishment”经常缩写成CFAR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和管理相关。


Collaborative Forecasting And Replenishment : 协同预测与补充

Collaborative Forecasting And Replenishment具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CFAR
  2. 英语全称: Collaborative Forecasting And Replenishment
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:协同预测与补充
  7. 中文拼音:xié tóng yù cè yǔ bǔ chōng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. Today, study on the control and optimization for multiple levels CPFR ( Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment, CPFR ) under collaborative commerce model is an important issue of supply chain management.
  2. 目前,协同商务模式下多层次CPFR(CollaborativePlanningForecastingandReplenishment,CPFR)控制与优化研究是供应链库存管理中一个热点问题。
  3. There are many theories about inventory management, including Vendor Managed Inventory, Jointly Managed Inventory and Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment ( CPFR ).
  4. 关于库存管理的策略有很多,较为先进的包括供应商管理库存、联合库存管理以及协同式库存管理理论。
  5. This paper focuses on collaborative forecasting process of collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment ( CPFR ) and establishes a forecasting model.
  6. 文章研究了联合计划、预测和补货(CPFR)中的联合预测流程,并建立了相关的预测模型。
  7. This paper concentrates on studying the collaborative forecasting step and collaborative replenishment step based on CPFR.
  8. 本文着重研究CPFR流程中的协同预测和协同补货阶段。
  9. The innovation is the introducing of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment model as the basis of system construction and action, solving the collaboration problem in supply partners.
  10. 创新性地引入了协同计划、预测、补给模型作为系统建立、运作的基础,解决了流程行业物资供应中联盟伙伴协作的问题。


英文缩写词 CFAR 的含义,不止“Collaborative Forecasting And Replenishment”一个。




  1. Cash Flow At Risk 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:风险现金流


  1. Centers For AIDS Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:艾滋病研究中心
  2. Center For Automation Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:自动化研究中心
  3. Center For Advanced Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:高级研究中心
  4. Center for Family and Adolescent Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:家庭与青少年研究中心
  5. Center For Aids Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:艾滋病研究中心


  1. Constant False Alarm Rate 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:恒虚警率


  1. Centre For Advocacy and Research 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:宣传和研究中心


  1. Climate Forecasting for Agricultural Resources 缩写成 “CFAR”. 中文意思是:农业资源气候预报

