
“Knowledge Process Outsourcing”经常缩写成KPO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Knowledge Process Outsourcing : 知识流程外包

Knowledge Process Outsourcing具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:KPO
  2. 英语全称: Knowledge Process Outsourcing
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:知识流程外包
  7. 中文拼音:zhī shi liú chéng wài bāo
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Knowledge process outsourcing as knowledge intensive industry are closely related with intellectual property rights.
  2. 知识流程外包(KPO)(KnowledgeProcessOutsourcing,简称KPO)作为知识密集型产业与知识产权密切相关。
  3. The main content of outsourcing services is information technology, business and knowledge process outsourcing. Undertaking service outsourcing helps to improve the international competitiveness of service industry, and help enterprises to realize the growth of value.
  4. 服务外包以信息技术外包、业务流程外包和知识流程外包(KPO)为主要内容,承接服务外包的国家有助于提高本国的服务业的国际竞争力,并且帮助本国企业实现价值增长。
  5. From the micro perspectives, relying on the outsourcing experience and the brand effect, business area of the enterprise is becoming more and more diverse, and knowledge process outsourcing industry has presented a strong growing trend.
  6. 从微观层面看,企业依托外包经验和品牌效应,业务领域越来越多样化,嵌入垂直行业的知识流程外包(KPO)业呈现强劲的增长趋势。
  7. So the knowledge process outsourcing may faced with risks of intellectual property rights ' run off; unfair distribution of intellectual property rights; unfair competition of intellectual property rights and Knowledge resources are being looted.
  8. 这使得知识流程外包(KPO)可能面临着知识产权流失;知识产权权益分配不公;知识产权不正当竞争和知识资源被掠夺等产权风险。
  9. For the reason that there exist knowledge sharing between the senders and the receiving parties in knowledge process outsourcing, the senders has to expose their core technology and knowledge to their partners.
  10. 由于KPO中发包方与接包方存在知识共享,使得发包方将自身核心技术和知识暴露给其合作伙伴接包方。


英文缩写词 KPO 的含义,不止“Knowledge Process Outsourcing”一个。




  1. Kaizen Promotion Office 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:改善促进办公室


  1. Pohang, Republic of Korea 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:大韩民国蒲行


  1. Keep Parkway Open 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:保持停车道畅通


  1. Kamwo Practitioners Online 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:金沃练习者在线
  2. Killiney Post office 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:基林尼邮局
  3. Kenshoo Portfolio Optimizer 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:Kenshoo投资组合优化工具
  4. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:卡拉查干纳克石油运营公司
  5. Kaizen Promotion Officer 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:改善促进官
  6. Knowledge Process Onshoring 缩写成 “KPO”. 中文意思是:知识过程在线搜索

